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| Has anyone heard of it or even owns one?

| https://youtu.be/zUttT67rkyM

| Why. It's a piece of shit.

| So are you but we let you post here anyway

| Maybe once it's actually out.
Even then It's ARM cpu, even if it runs linux it wont run a very large amount of programs your PC does.

| The Linux phone?

Just get a GPD computer, you can then dual boot Windows and Linux in your pocket and not have to rely on an experimental phone

| >>642498
by the looks of it their pricy af

| >>642512 they're* sorry

| >>8975b7 yeah pricey but way better than wasting money on pinephone

| Don't forget the Librem 5. Purism

| >>642975
It seems interesting but it's so costly. What is it like 600€?

| Probably because they had to design the whole thing and not that many people are going to buy one

| The PinePhone is only $150 but that's because it's developer edition

| I have 3 Linux phones now and I'm going to sell 2

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1586551456

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