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More night themes

| All this bright white Apple bullshit in web design hurts my eyes. Been switching as many things as I can (chrome, Windows theme, Reddit) to dark black themes just like danger/u/
Anyone else agree?

| Generally, yeah. I have been a dark UI advocate for long; Google recently started moving towards more aggressive white UI approach, so that's kinda irking me out.

| I generally look for the night mode first when installing a new app and tries to use it as much as posible.

| I prefer dark grey to black, but yeah, too much white sucks to look at

| Can't agree more. I really don't know why everybody sticks with the default aggressive

| White... It's so plain.

| (Double post cause broken screen)

| >>64522
From what I have learned, through the innumerable internet arguments (as well as local LAN & coffee arguments) is that white UI are:
1.) Easier to read in bright light
2.) Lessens the effect of burn-in in AMOLED displays

However, the second point can be easily rebutted by using a dark gray UI instead of a true black UI (and dark gray still counts as "night theme" anyway).

| Night is darker

| Everyone here's just edgy

| >test

| I may be edgy, I'm not gonna argue with you there. However, I think there's something to be said about how clean Apple makes their UI that makes me distrust them. Something about it being all white and practically glowing bothers me on a fundamental level

| >>65048
Clean and unified, yeah. It's just that the retina-burning factor breaks all form of enjoyment at times.

| >>64535
1) can easily be rebutted by not going outside and staying in your dark basement.


| Bright, ecpecially White UIs arent just a pain in the eyes, the contained blue-light also cause insomnia by suppressing the production of hormons that make you tired if your body needs sleep.
This can fuck you up more than coffee and energy drinks on the long term.
Dark-UIs are better for people that regulary stare long on screens.
There is one exception: E-Ink displays. They Harm you less, since you're not staring direct in a light source.


Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1513209390

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