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Is studying electronics hard?

| I mean to study it on professional level, like, going to the university based on electronixx

| It's alright. You become unexpectedly decent at maths when you solve analog electronics problems.
Digital stuff, when you look at it, seems easy as fuk. But it's so easy to fall in traps during the design process. I mean, at least I know I've made a fuckton of mistakes. I don't regret any of them.
It was hard, but only when I look back. It was interesting for me, so I could bear it.
Of course you can always put in minimal effort, but don't expect much from that...

| Yes.

| >>571906
My first response is gonna "no". If you're already looking into it then chanses are that you're already experiencied and intellectually enough capable enough of handling it.

| >>572008 what if it means that I'm actually stupid enough to overestimate myself and to take an unbearable task?

| >>572035
You wont know that until you try though.

| >>572035
Overestimating yourself is not stupid, .
Questioning the ability of your future self definitely would be stupid.
You're going there to become something else, and no amount of thinking can tell you how you're gonna be doing.
Don't expect it to be easy. But it doesn't mean it's out of reach. Engineers, or technicians, or whatever qualified professionals, are never stupid-proof.
If you're interested, don't make this harder than it actually is.

| Thanks. I guess, maybe it's going to be hard, but not unbearable

| For me the only hard thing was the maths part but once you work it out electronics major is pretty cool and enjoyable. The "easy to fall into traps during design process" part is true but it isn't that hard to avoid:you can read manuals, run some simulations beforehand then optimize your designs. Job opportunities in electronic related fields are usually really good too!
Making mistakes is normal, because the design process requires a lot of experience to do well.

| It's the most fun I had in my life
What went wrong in my life for me to become a web dev? > cries in the corner

| Huh. I always think web devs are really cool! They can make lots of cool and pretty looking things. Don't know much about the web development process tho...

| >>572214 I don't hate it, most back-end stuff is a lot of fun
The worst parts are dealing with all those damn Javascript frameworks and when I get a project with PHP.

| Does modern electronics always come down to coding stuff into the PLD and/or microcontrollers? I mean, is there something apart from coding?

| Programming is one part of the digital electronics subject.
You still need to learn some analog electronics related stuffs like analog design and construction principles, hardware debugging, terminal characteristics, circuit analysis etc..

| Cool, thanks

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1560978515

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