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Mozilla is working in a new Android browser

| "Mozilla is working on a new web browser for Android to replace the currently available Firefox for Android mobile browser. [...] The core reason for that is that Mozilla's working on Fenix, a new mobile browser for Android. Fenix is based on Android Components and GeckoView. In other words, Fenix will be powered by built-in components on Android and Mozilla's GeckoView.

Will you ditch WebView for GeckoView?

| >>521695

| I don't think I'll make the switch. Firefox on Android right now is pretty powerful being that they let you basically have desktop browser extensions on a mobile browser. uBlock Origin and HTTTPS Everywhere in Firefox Android are awesome!

| >>521699 i saw what firefox on android had to offer, and i left chrome and never came back since

| Brave.com is better

| it's actually written Phoenix they can't spell

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1547749303

This thread is permanently archived