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Trustable email prroviders

| Is cock.li (cockmail) a trustable email provider or is the host known for reading personal information.
if so, what other safe email providers would you recommend?

| Vincent has a pretty good disclaimer about reading peoples emails on the front page. He can, any email provider can, so you cant assume that he wont or cant. But he probably wont unless he gets a valid warrant. Just dont send schools bomb threats and you are gucci.

| >>521392
>trusting a guy that owns a email provider named cock li
I wouldn't recommend that but do as you please. I'd say use protonmail for the most secure email provider just because they have supposed better security and privacy compared to others and that's the reason why it has a userbase in the first place.

| >>521402
i been using cock.li since 2013. besides the one time the FBI coerced German feds into stealing the server hard drives and never gave them back, every experience ive had with it has been great.

the main caveat is he does not do password resets. if you lose your password you are fucked.

and if feds try to steal data without a court order again, the drives are encrypted now so they dont get anything meaningful.

| If you have money to spare get startmail

| what about protonmail?

| if you are going to use it for public use go for protonmail, for shitposting cockli is fine

| Gmail

| >>521392 >>521493 Cock.li is pretty good for a free email provider. But one of the big problems about cock.li is that you literally can't register into most of the services using a cock.li email

| ...Since they are mostly blocked for being too easy to abuse.
I couldn't even contact myself with a different email (proton, gmail, etc.) as they would always end up in spam folder

| Go old-school and host your own email. Spin up a Pi and learn the ancient ways!

| >>521702 going full on lain, eh?

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1547526961

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