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What linux distro to start working with servers?

| Complete noob

| Debian or any.

| Why Debian? Teacher recommended opensuse bc of yast

| Debian is comfy from experience and if you fuck it up there are shitones of help online.I know one classmate that uses OpenSuse.Some people also use CentOs and if you are new to servers and new to Linux just use Ubuntu Server lol

| Debian is the safest route. Documentation, stable packages, loads of help online. Ubuntu is well documented as well but it's packages are usually updated further than Debian and thus the guarantee of stability is flimsier due to less testing. Centos is the most common alternative to these two and in my experience more of a matter of taste. I can't speak for opensuse but I do know it's more of a testing ground for things that eventually make it into suse enterprise so ymmv

| Double posting to add that Ubuntu is derived from Debian and the two share many similarities. You can start with Debian and move to Ubuntu if for some reason you need to.

| Debian. Yast is cool but if you're trying to learn it's better to configure everything by hand to get over any fear you might have for terminal and messing with confs.
Also opensuse is heavier, I'm running a Debian torrent/smb server from a 1GB pendrive with space to spare.

| I run an old PIII machine as a seedbox with deluge and http server with nginx using archlinux32. It's extremely light, averaging ~30% cpu usage and ~80MB RAM. Arch is great if you're willing to spend time learning how to set up everything manually. I actually learned a lot about system management just by setting it up. Just be prepared to nuke it and restart from scratch a few times.

| What about RedHat/CentOS?

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1542368690

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