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What is the best desktop for Kali?

| Is there something light but full of features?

| If you have to ask, don’t use Kali. Go for Debian with XFCE.

| >>460594 what does asking has to do with anything?

| >>460603
Kali is not a distro for novices. It doesn't even matter what de you use.

| >>460626 why shouldn't it matter? It can still be used for normal stuff.

You sound like one of those hippy linux elitists.

| >>460633 But it shouldn't cuz it's certainly not as secure as a 'clean' debian.

| >>460644 who cares? Even tho that's bullshit.

| >>460653
It's not. Try scanning it with kali and compare with debian.

I'm gonna turn your question around and ask why you even want kali as a desktop os in the first place. What's there to gain?

You sound like one of those crappy linux novices who wants to feel like a hacker even though he's not.

But in all sincerety I've known you've been baiting from the start. I'm only answering for the sake of real curious novices.

| >>460644
Even thought I don't get the point of all this kali-hype, I would not subscribe to that argument. Or can you please explain more exactly why the kali maintainers are less trustworthy than debians?

Either you have something light or you have something full of features. Both is contradictionary.
For a light de I would recommend lxqt, for a feature rich i would recommend kde. And I would make the choice of your distro dependend on it and not the other way around.

| >>460770 Jeez.
>'It's not. Try scanning it with kali and compare with debian.'
Just do this and you'll see. In order to function right, Kali has some serious security flaws. Using it as an everyday-distro is NOT advised!

| >>460770 why would you want your distro to depend on a de? Is't UNIX all about customizability of the system?

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1542217753

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