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Please teach me how to code cool things

| Preferably c++ or smth what shoukd I read? I love math and I want to make cool hentai game like violated heroine please help

| Instal linux first

| >>458713 linux is an operating system. so is windows. windows is bad, so and because they're the same thing, linux is bad too. i've transcended above linux and windows. now i don't even use an operating system. i've never been so free from spyware, and my laptop runs the fastest it has in years.

| ^
but seriously,don't be a fucking linux elitist,you don't need it for learn how to code.

| Linux is way easier when it comes to having a coding environment. The fact that Windows isn't POSIX is a great problem, and is not the only one.

If you like maths, go for Python and don't burden yourself with low-level languages like C.
If you want to make a game, first find a language you like, then find a game framework that uses it. Or use a game engine with low to no code, like RPG Maker and the like.

Tl;dr: define what you want first.

| >>458703
If you really want to learn to code you have 2 options:
Or you go to university in computer science, so you get decent knowledge and not some random stuff you found on the internet.
Or you open the fucking google and start your research from scrap, as everyone started, codetutorial is your friend, search tutorials, courses, or just install linux.
Beginner friendly languages: python(but you wont learn much besides python itself), c#, c++ if you are brave enough.

| >>459838
Please explain the "but you wont learn much besides python itself"?

| >>459198
Why not low level languages? I want to know how everythibg works... also I want to marry hentai loli. Anyway are there any good resources for learning some low level shit?

| If you wanna make a game like VH why don't you learn game maker studio or rpg maker? You don't need to know much to make an erpg.

Also if you just wanna learn how to code, just Google that shit, you'll find millions of resources.

| >>459198
>If you like maths, go for Python
Yeah. And if you actually know maths go for Haskell.

| >>460602
Yeah. And if you actually like math go for machine code.

| >>460582
Because a low level language is good for people interested in CS, not maths. And because Python has a lot of good scientific libraries.

Moreover, low level language for a game means a really long development time. And low level means compilation (most of the time at least), which also means more time wasted. And it's not going to be as easy for debugging.

But do as you want in the end, I'm just giving my opinion on the best approach to start, nothing absolute.

| >>458703
honestly, you sound like a lost cause.

| If you just want hentai you should learn to draw, not code

| If you want to make a "cool hentai game", spend 10 years learning how to draw, model, and/or animate, and then learn Unity.
If you want to learn how to code, learn how to google and do your own damn research first. Unless you're a coding god in your own specific niche youre going to be looking shit up regularly anyways, so learn now.

| >>460460
Because in python you don't have types, and python is less oop, and is simple as hell. If after python you want to learn c++ python won't help you much because you will still need to learn the c like syntax that is used in most of the languages (c, c++,c#,java, rust....). Python is very special, so if you want to be able to write on every language you should start from a c like language and not from python

| >>460781
Python is strongly typed, but dynamically too.
I don't see how Python is less OOP, on the contrary.
Python is simple and it's good. Yet it doesn't lack any feature.
I never said not to learn C. Python will give a beginner a good understanding of algorithmic and good practices. C won't, thanks to the horrible syntax.
And the fact that a lot of languages use another syntax is irrelevant.If you can do what you need in a language, others don't matter much.

| Just to add to this learning python it was fairly easy for me to grasp most of c# syntax and other languages like Nim and crystal (I like those weird languages that no one uses ok) I think syntax isn't that hard it's just knowing what you don't know to be able to look it up

| #include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "cool things\n";

| >>461889
Too complicated.

Print ("cool")

| >>464127
Wow calm down tht advanced code
Here’s a simpler version:
Echo "cool code"

| >>464131
The joke is echo is not used in coding only scripting

| <h1>cool things</h1>

| >>464127
Your code is wrong. It only prints "cool" instead of "cool code". But thank you for demonstrating that "too complicated" leads somehow to better results...

| >>464167
*cool things ;-)

| >>458713
no. install gentoo.

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1542376177

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