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"Apple and Samsung fined for deliberately slowing down phones"

| Is anyone even surprised?

Article: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/oct/24/apple-samsung-fined-for-slowing-down-phones

Dunno how many of you on /tech/ are apple fanboys, but I'm kind of glad I never got one. Samsung either. And lets not forget about the corporate push to keep users from being able to repair their old devices, and keeping them from even being able to legally "own" them.

| I hate both LMAOOO

| Samsung has had the same mentality as Apple for a long time now. So nothing surprising, even though it doesn't make this acceptable.
That's what you get for buying overpriced phones without caring about the product you'll get, I suppose.

| Money, money, money
Lets go honey
It's a rich mens world!

| IKR, spying chinese and google phones for the win.

| >>423083
Weird flex but okay.

| Not surprised. Regardless, which company should someone buy a phone from these days? One that isn't too expensive and last for more than two years?

| >>423312
The only one that looked promising was killed by Google.

| Truly we live in an age of open conspiracies where the the impotence of mere knowledge is laid baid.

| Truly we live in an age where ignorance creates overconfidence, and where people think that trying to look smart online makes them superior.

| Truly we live in an age when people feel the need to disguise their inability to recognize sarcasm with a smug response on an anonymous text board.

| Truly we live in an age where people post things without understanding the context just because they noticed a funny trend.

| Tbh I'm waiting for the librem 5 or something related so I can have my sweet, sweet GNU/Linux on mobile.

| Truely we live.

| Will they have to fix the problem in a new update?

| Honestly i've been using this Galaxy S6 Edge for 3 years and it's still working great... my dad bought an iPad Air more or less at the same time and it has slowed to so much that it lags even while in the home screen.
Maybe Samsung does slow down older phones, but not by that much i guess.
I've foubd myself really good with Samsung, and will keep buying their products if they keep being good.

| >>422874
>Is anyone even surprised?
though admittedly my S6 works pretty well on newest firmware, contrary to my old S3 which worked like shit on 4.2 and newer.

| >>424526 oh no, run before /tech/ circlejerk you for being a coorporate shill

| >>424710
Oh no, I just was about to write about free software and open standards while rubbing my thing. :-(

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