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Security isn't easy

| Netsec is important, but your protocols don't mean shit if someone can just find the door code, walk in, and grab your hard drive.

Vice versa as well. You can have the most secure door ever made and without good network security, it doesn't matter if they even have access to the door.

How do you g/u/rls protect yourself?

| I dont even anymore
Idk what people would want from a provinceman like me anyway
Cmon take my pictures of my cottage away

| Common sense is one of the most powerful protections you'll ever need.

Also, I've gotten used to reading fine print/TOS/contract language so now I at least have a full, or mostly full, awareness of what I'm getting into.

| >>409298
>How do you g/u/rls protect yourself?
Use as much Free Software as possible. Stay away from common botnet software.

| It helps to know what processes are on your computers so that you don't get one that phones home to some shady IP. I think netstat helps with that.

| Step 1: deploy nuke into outer atmosphere
Step 2: quick detonate it
Step 3: profit

| Get a router, a firewall, and your own modem if possible. Consider setting up a DMZ if you have multiple people in the house / office. Host a guest wifi on the DMZ. Get a VPN that doesn't log activty (paid. They dont cost much). Set up VPN on router or computer. Consider doing Banking and other sensitive stuff in a session of Tails OS. Use tor if you are scared. Know that tor isnt foolpoof. Host your own files on a network drive or NAS. Use firefox or chromium with uBlock Origin.

| And yes, Common Sense is the best tool you have. The rest of my advice is knowledge based.

Also as a lul, my captcha is

Lubed dire wisps

| Using common router w/ default encryption, mozilla w/out any history preservation,logged in only in reddit and telegram desktop,and finally dm-crypt.
And i actually also have w10 as 2nd system, but dont store any files there and have only steam and geforce exp installed to guess what.

Some time ago ive been looking for purism stuff, but i dont really need it, it just looks intresting plus its kinda expensive.

| >>410813

| Life isn't easy. But you have to try

| We all need to realize that we are invisible to the hackers. We have nothing that a hacker would want.

| >>409553 fuck i still haven't set up the Demilitarized Zone around my house.

| >>409553 I think it's a pretty bad idea to do banking using tails as it routes all internet traffic via tor. The point of tor is anonymity, which immediately goes out the windows once you authenticate yourself to the bank, if it even allows you to, because it will probably block you if it detects that you're coming from a tor exit node.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1537981383

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