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Is copyleft good?

| if everyone just started using Apache/MIT license my life would be easier

| I try to release my side projects under gpl or mit as much as possible, since they're usually built out of free software themselves

| >>407953
Please explain why your life would be easier if people released software under Apache/MIT. The GPL ensures no one gets robbed of their software freedoms.

| >>407953 yeah, why?

| I want a simple license that requires any changes to be open source but isn't at fucking long as all the gpls

| >>408120 imho apache/mit are the only "freedom" licenses because
1. Its 5 lines long
2. You can do WHATEVER you want
Gpl ensuring that you make everything opensource sacrifice a part of the freedom. Even if someone can fork your MIT and sell for 10 dollars you can do the same, and that's the point of a free program, to use it however you want...

| >>408491 I see that, but the problem is if a big company like Microsoft takes your code using mit then all of a sudden the best version of your project is now closed source, with copy left you could just include the changes in yours but now yours is inferior with no chance to catch up unless you decide to spend a boat load of time just for feature parody, and any changes you make will be in the m$ one because MIT, It just hands companies your idea on a silver platter

| >>408491
>that's the point of a free program, to use it however you want
Sure, but by using a permissive license like the MIT you're not guaranteeing that very freedom to others. As for selling software, it's perfectly O.K. to sell GPL'd software.

| >>409205
I actually earn money by compiling, packaging and distributing free software and providing help/service for it. I think this is the way how software market should be. But thanks to dumb politicians, courts and massive lobby work they made it a toxic environment dominated by mono- and oligopolies that used stupid licenses to enable proprietary standards and platforms.

| >>409225 this is totally fine in my book, what licences give you trouble so I can avoid them

| What about WTFPL (Do What the Fuck You Want To Public License)?

| >>409751
It's fine if you know your project will never be used for anything even remotely serious. You're better off using "Unlicense" or CC0 for non-software.

| Is freedom good?

| >>409930 for the most part freedom is desirable. Societies that are less free tend generally to be more miserable than others.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1537698215

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