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The bestest OS discussion

| It's Gentoo, the real OS for my chummers

| I had Gentoo for about a year. It was fun and I learned alot. However the install would get messy a while. I soon found NixOS, which to this day I am simply amazed by. A NixOS system never ages (unlike all other operating systems). It's entirely defined in a declarative language and builds itself according to a central config. It's able to roll back after fatal changes (of which I've yet to encounter any). It's a sysadmins dream (also great on desktop). It's unlike any other OS

| Pop!_OS is pretty good for a desktop OS. It's based on Ubuntu, meaning regular, stable releases, but it also looks great out of the box.

| >looking good out of the box
It's like you don't want to make yourself suffer for nice things or something.

| >>bfeb12
I guess so. I usually end up changing the configs 7 times a day until the system breaks because I don't know what I'm doing, so I don't exactly shy away from suffering for looks. I've just found Pop!'s GTK theme to be the nicest one I've seen so far.

| Mint :<

| Amiga Workbench.

Now where did I put my kickstart disk?

| i use arch btw

| >>335160
But why?

| Gentoo

| >>334582
The best distro of all time is Microsoft Linux, and you know it.

| >>efb358
open sourcing the NT Kernel was a mistake

| >>335542
post yfw Microsoft buys the Linux Foundation

| >>335542
If they do that, people will find out how much NT has stolen from unix/linux to make Windows stable, more secure and networking/internet compatible than DOS (probably the only thing which was invented/developed by MS on its own)

| >>336348
Btw. I have a question: Do ActiveDirectory NTFS support UTF-8 yet? I'm just interested if MS finally arrived the 21th century with their copycat reimplementation of unix rights-management. :P

| If there was an objectively best distro we weould only have one distro

| > yfw Mac OS is the only good UNIX out there


| >>336348
You mean the MSDOS, that took so much from CP/M they're almost identical! Granted CP/M is like the first operating system to begin with…

| slackware.

| My favorite is kubuntu, fight me

| Y'all cowards don't even use Rebecca Black Linux

| >>336424 yeah ibm asked m$ to make an os because cp/m didn't want to rebrand as PC dos so m$ bought the rights to a clone of cp/m and gave that to ibm

| Alpine Linux.
Also https://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-announce/message/dc23d48d2258e1ed91599a8091167002

| I just have Windows with every flavor of Linux in Vmbox.

| Debian is cool too

| >>337564
There is no point using kubuntu if you just could use KDE neon.

| GUIs are overrated, FreeDOS 4 lyfe

| >>338899 KDE is a DE, it's like butter, you need a distro with it. Am i wrong?

| I just installed Raspbian into my Raspberry Pi 3 and it's very nice

| >>339713
KDE is not only a desktop, it's a whole suite of desktop applications. Actually there is an official distribution of the kde-project: KDE neon. It's core is based on Ubuntu LTS-releases with an additional repository for KDE-Software. There are a stable and conservative "user lts-", a fresh and stable roling-release "user-" and an unstable "developer-" edition.

| >>340383 that's interesting. But knowing that there's now a thread about ubuntu being botnet, i would search for other distros

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1530539042

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