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Linux vs Windows

| I know that opening this thread is like planting a c4 but i want to hear your arguments for the first or the second. Let's start!

| Linux, fuck you

| It's not really planting c4 as there's not really much to discuss.
They are for different users and cases.
I personally prefer Linux because of it being open source and the customizability, but for that you need a bit of tinkering and interest in computer science. My main PC is stuck on Windows either way because of games and the Adobe Creative Cloud. That sucks, but compatibility is another thing to watch out.

| >>263768 >games,adobe
Then what are you doing on your secondary computer?

| The only point that i don't get is what people on linux do beside browsing, if most of the games and software are incompatible with linux?

| >>263810
I have 2 pcs, a server and a laptop. My Server and Laptop run Linux. Server is obvious what I do and my Laptop is used for development and sysadmin stuff. My main pc used to be dual boot, but WSL is working pretty good so far. (https://pomf.space/DCXfJXr.png) The other pc is a very compact "lan party" pc for gaming.

| OP, if you are hungry and want to be fed, just say so. There's no real need to be a troll and central to the "feeding the troll" meme.

| >>263853
If he wanted to troll he probably would've gone for something like "Windows is better than Linux" instead

| >>263810 Correction: and software *you* care about.
But to answer your question:
(various network tunneling software, one of which is also ssh and also openVPN, or directly a tunnel interface through various modules such as tun, gre, tun kernel module)
bridgeutils - this, combined with the above network tunnels, can produce jaw dropping magics.
ffmpeg/avconv (and their countless interfaces)

| And also some tech I have not toyed much with and have no direct interest, but which are quite a thing for very many people:

- Git
- Hadoop
- Docker Containers
- Chef
- Puppet
- Ansible
- *sql servers (can install virtually - all there exist on the world, apart from MSSQL of course)
- OpenStack, OpenNebula, Xen
- Countless cryptocurrency mining software.

| Why not both?

| Install gentoo

| Once again people in this thread have failed to mention the most crucial advantage GNU/Linux provides you: Freedom. Pretty much every freedom possibly to be had with computing is taken away from you when you use proprietary software such as Windows or macOS.
For years now I've been happy being able to do all of my computing on a free computers. No longer do I feel betrayed by my very own computer. Also please refer to it as GNU/Linux, RMS deserves recognition for his contributions!

| >>30215d
I didn't mean to troll anyone, it's just that before getting there i was traveling through other boards where when i asked this it got into bump limit full with idiot replies. I'm glad here is not the case

| >>263862
I see there is enough of programs for work, but what i meant is "what activity do you do on linux? " windows is usefull for playing games and programming. I know programming go as good on linux but you only do programming and sysadmining stuff or other things too?

| >>263969
I do everything I can on Linux. You can do what you want on Linux.

| >>263969 well the activities are mostly the same. What usually people do with a computer? Game, browse internet, program (installable software or websites/webapps), play multimedia, produce multimedia, databases, network services, virtualisation, file exchanges, backups, data storage. For all these, some software are better than others, have different costs, different learning curves, are available for different systems which support the software differently too...

| ...
It all ends up to choosing what is best for what is required to do, and these choices are also based on many factors some of which are directly related to what system is being used. It could be ease of use, flexibility during changes, security, crash recovery, resource management, ability to scale up, remote accessibility, acceptable complexity, monetary costs, ease of deployment, etc etc.
In the end it is a multi sided balance of all these combined and percepted priorities.

| Depends on your needs. I have personally found it easy not selling my soul to windows Microsoft. Selling my soul to a giant peguin I can do.

| It's simple: Windows for games and Linux for online banking and shopping (or really anything that involves your credit card/financial data).

| Thank you all for your replies.
I finally got some answers.

| >>264566
Don't be like these guys. Features and convenience are not as important as freedom.

| Linux is the os you use when you don't wanna rape your computer ;^)

| >>264711
Well, imho these are equaly important, because after launching the freedomOS you want to do something on it.

| I'd say windows just 'cause videogames

| >>264711 I'd like to inform you that I use Linux for a longer period of time than you have known how to write your name on paper.
You have yet to learn how to accept reality, my young padawan.

| >>264940
Tell that to Richard Stallman. This place is for Discord soyboys, old man.

| >>264944 rms... is that you?

| The one that runs the games

| >>264959
They both do

| >>265070
Bbut but it doesn't run Cod of duty black cocks 5

| >>265100
That's unacceptable! I should throw away my PS4!

| Dual-boot. Use windows for gaming, linux for everything else.

| >>263761 Indisputable argument! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆

| Sorry for dumb question(I'm not Linux user, but I wannabe). I heard that you can install Windows and Linux on same computer. But I think it's really a bullshit.

| >>46d283
You can, it's called dualbooting.
I personally install both Linux and Windows on separate SSDs to minimize conflicts, but it's entirely possible to install them on a single HDD.

| Maybe it is a better option to have Windows in a Virtual Machine inside GNU/Linux, this way you could use Windows stuff without rebooting, I don't know what impact can have this on games, though.

I'll try this during my next vacations :P

| >>265650
Oh my spooky god, this is genius.
I must try it.

| >>265650
The performance is horrible, but when you set up GPU pass through it's fine.

| >>264944 the real soyboy is the one who has so little testosterone that he is afraid that the government, jew niggers, and microsoft spying on his soy-coated feminine boypussy.

He is so insecure of his tight virgin asshole that he constantly has to nag those chads who use discord as a display case for their big black cock.

I mean who wouldn't? Everyone that has a micro dick designed to be cucked will try their hardest to hide those thing behind "muh security" excuse

| It's like cooking by yourself vs. Fastfood. People that can cook and care about healthy nutrition wild prefer a self cooked meal, while those who can't cook and give a shit about health will eat shit at McDonald's or convienient microwave oven instant shit.
Linux is for people that care abouth freedo and/or have knowledge and skills. Windows (also OSX) is for people that give a shit about freedom and don't mind to drive screws with a hammer and nails with a screwdriver. "It works"

| >>265882 Yes, except that if I am eating mcdonald IRL, there's no one that will walk up to me and say "eat heathy food" or "don't you know you are eating shit?"

If people want to be spied/ using bloatware, just let em do it.

| >>265898
It's the other way arround:
If I want to cook something and invite others to eat, they don't say "uh my stomach is only compatible to mc donalds products, pls cook something that looks and tastes like bigmac"

| I think it depends on what you are going to use, a home computer that you just use for games and social media/netflix etc, an windows is good enough, now if you are going to use for work, servers for example, linux is a good call.

| Can i have steam on linux?

| Well, in my experience people who use Linux are usually full of themselves and have condescending attitudes towards anyone, specially casual users just because they know a code or two, so I'll stick with Windows.

| >>266068
Yes. The official steam machines run linux.


| Linux can do anything from art(krita, gimp, etc), gaming(steam, gog, itch, etc), multimedia(kodi, web, anime), programing(everthing) to even running windows software(wine program) it has sucessful ran the latest games such as battlefield 1/Overwatch and many more. Not even counting all game emulators have a native linux port. I mean in native gaming world we just got a port of rise of the tombraider so yeah there is stuff to do on linux. The only limit is yourself.

| >>266356
It can't do everything programming wise. Besides the core, .Net is still on Windows, also swift development is on macOS only afaik.

| >>265362 this is exactly what I do. Booting Windows is basically an incarnation of "turn on the gaming conse for those 2-3 games I want to play" but not with gaming console but with a PC.

>>265650 I did this at work for years, because it was a requirement to use Outlook for emails; the company had bought Exchange so *not* using it was seen as a finantial loss post-action! People really can be that stupid.

| >>266356
You do know. net was opensourced right? Ever heard of the monoproject I have personally done. net stuff on linux and You can even use microsodt xna engine too on linux. Swift well its only a matter of time since I dont really know on that one

| >>266122 in my experience I can also confirm what you said, that people who insist on Windows are unable to think properly and have a deficit of several cognitive funtions of the brain.
I am a proficient user of both Windows and Linux. Can you say the same for yourself?

| >>266395
Yes I have used both windows and Linux. When I transfered to linux I found I could honestly do the same stuff from windows on linux. From a long time linux user who just loves the open source movement.

| Thanks for proving my point lol>>9f0b44

| >>266785 and you proving mine. I always find it fascinating when people throw in 'lol' to magnify and reinforce their own percepted correctness. I do trust though you to be smart enough to not expect a 'thank you' when calling a group of people 'full of themselves' just because you feel victimised and left out from their talk and discussion. Don't cry, ok?

| >>266984 we get it, you have extra chromosomes

| >>267174
You said it like it's an option for your burger in McDonald's.

| >>266393
I've had some issues when I tried mono and it felt really wip. It's been a while though, so probably it improved.

| >>265949 thing is, I am not eating at your place. I am just using my PC, minding my own business and then suddenly some autist scream "INSTAL LINUX OR YOU ARE BRAINLETS" driveby. I'm not going to your house to use your PC and then complain because it has linux installed on. You can use linux all you want, just don't flail your freedom dick in front of me when I am using my PC.

| >>267346 you are right! Ofc you know it, I mean, you are an expert on it.

| >>267483 So then, both have been demonstrably true: windows users being brainlets in comparison to linux users, and linux users being more arrogant than windows users. If we talk preference, which would you chose to be, one or the other? Remember that brainletism is intelligence related, arrogance is personality related.

| >>267517
GNU/Linux users have it right, obviously. Only a brainlet (windows user) would choose the freedomless choice.

The reason why one might come off as arrogant is that you get tired of hearing the same fucking nonconstructive reason of not getting into GNU/Linux: muh vidya gaems.

| I like Windows for the games and exploits really. Linux really depends on which one you use. I normally like tails and kali

| >>267546 it is true g/u/rl
a brainlet can not choose because lacks the ability to think. They just consume what is offered that's all.

That said, I go windows for games and linux for all other stuff.

| Chrome os is better than linux

| >>267772
SunOs is better than ChromeOs

| >>265567 Thanks a lot. I just don't have an experience on dualbooting. I shall try. (>_0)

| Windows 7 becaude I don't have any problems with it. Anything past Windows 10 it's too broken to use and anything Linux I'm too fucking lazy to set up.

| >>268597 You're right! Win10 is retarded as I'm.

| >>267994
Sun is still a thing? I thought it died like everything that Oracle touches... (OpenOffice, Oracle Java)

| JavaScript os

| >>269332
Urgh! That sounds pretty disgusting. You have no idea how much only the imagination of such a thing makes me headache and turn my stomach arround at once.
This is really the most perverted post here. Maybe go to /d/ with your dirty gore OS porn. JavaScript os. *brrrrrrrrruh*

| What kind of meme is this, of course Mac OS X is the best!

| >>269346
With Atom being a real product, I don't think we're too far off tbh.

| >>267517 >>267546 not even saying that linux users are arrogant. Idc if you are arrogant, just stop being busybody is that I ask for. Like I said, would you go to someone that's eating shit food at McDonald and scream about how he is doing life wrong? If you wouldn't then why would you go to windows user and rub your dick all over them?

Accept that some people have different needs and priority than you when using PC.

| >>270378 I do not do that, I do not give a fuck what people use. But you have no idea how often I get asked of what and why to use and then they do not like the replies.
It is a victimisation complex, these people are convinced of being thought of to be idiots and come and poke so then can say "you see? You think me an idiot".
I couldn't care less about all these people. All I ask is to not be pestered with their inferiority complex.

| Java script os is real btw
Look up extern os

| Late to the party here, but even children are fine with Linux these days (including games use), and the added security means they have more time to learn about data safety.

| You mean Android?

| No extern os
Takes up like 90% of ur ram

| >>270930 Android is Android and only uses the linux kernel. We don't consider Mac OSX one of the *bsd os-es, even though it uses a bsd kernel.

| React on ,both burn iso to usb install,burn update to usb and install the fix for the apps and then ur done

| Linux user here, and I gotta say, if y'all had your heads up your asses when I was looking for Windows alternatives, I probably woulda stuck with Windows. This is gatekeeping, plain and simple. >>266395
People make choices. Sometimes they come to different conclusions than you do. This is normal. Before you judge, just remember you had to use a computer, or some other resource,to learn how to get access to Linux. Or, you are Stallman himself. If someone acted the way you do...

| >>9f0b44 I wasn't referring to MacOS (any variety) so I'm not sure why your point was begging made, though it would certainly hurry someone's feelings that OSX want considered a bsd brother.

What I was referring to was Android being a have platform, despite they Linux underpinnings, which is a huge shame honestly.

| >>3c906e well said

| >>271732 before *anyone* judges. Including you. Besides whay you pointed at, I also posted>>264286 and>>264296 . You are right again, not everyone reaches the same conclusions reading the same things, hence the hostility after those posts from some.

| I Use kubuntu cause I'm kewl

| >>271849 i guess I did kind of cherry pick a bit, yeah. You're not even the closest to the only guy who mentioned that... Just the most recent. And i didn't want to pick the obvious troll answer or a really old reply. Sorry!

I'm just upset when people get driven away from cool shit because they're too normie, whatever the fuck that entails.

| >>272534 We're cool don't worry.
I guess it is difficult in general for people to get out of the comfort zone. Learning something new means doing the same things in a different way, and a lot of people would ask "why do that"? I have a friend who works in computer shop service for years. If you show him any linux distro he'd go "oh such a different start menu" or "desktop right click has these weird content" and that is all it takes to call it difficult and complicated.

| Windows, Linux, doesn't matter, ad long it's not MacOS it's fine by me.

| Let's talk about intel

| >>273033
Let's not.

| >>263726
I use Windows because it's comfy and also games/porn
I only Linux when I need some more technical stuff done, Linux is a lot more practical than Windows when it comes to technical stuff.

| >>273132
you can watch porn on linux too

| What's so hard about saying "you use windows? Cool! You do you, fam"

I don't know why your butts are all so sore that you can't just nod or ignore.

| >>272833 glad we are OK.
It sucks that people can be so dismissive about trying new things. That's probably why some Linux jerks are dismissive towards newbies.
If you really wanted to, you could make a KDE distro that had a bunch of GUI tweaks, and bashrc aliases for when they use the terminal (they won't lol). But then it gets harder to diagnose when something goes wrong because they still think it's Windows!

At least a bunch of games run on Linux Steam now!

| i use windows mostly because i don't have the time to invest in learning terminal commands, and all i do is play vidya and watch porn anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

| >>273340
>privacy, security and freedom is not worth my time

| >>273340 try it out in a laptop or something and just use it for browsing? Plus you could learn how to do an SSH tunnel so your porn is harder to track.

| The truth is that for most everyday stuff you do not need the terminal. You use gui for most everyday stuff, browsing, listening music and watching movies, editing doc/xls/ppt, installing software, copying/moving files, connecting to a network, remote desktops... The terminal becomes useful for far more advanced things and if one wants to go into fine tuning and system administration. A good side effect of the terminal though is that acquired knowledge does not grow old.

| ...
Once you learn to do something with it, you can use it for a long time. Whatever one has learned 10 years ago is still valid today and will be also valid after 10 years. Knowledge becomes cumulative and with the passing of time, it all adds up as it propels itself easier into what comes next to be learned, what is learned becomes an aid to what comes next. That is why starting seems a bit daunting but actually it all gets easier the more one advances.

| >>273564 the journey of a thousand km begins with a single step.

| Op here. After the first answers in this thread i made a dual boot on my pc. Now i need to find what i can do on pc if not playing or browsing. Im trying to customize my kubuntu for now. About privacy, privacy is great, but at least for me more than 60% of time goes to games and shit. Im so bored on linux that i think about writing an html homepage. Any ideas for not getting bored?

| >>273800 Well, what you use the computer for is something else. Windows side for the gaming obviously. And linux for browsing which is not small a thing, considering the browser is used everywhere, email, search engines, online payment, video/youtube, pr0n.
As regarding websites, that is also a good start. Perform a standard apache2 install on your system, have your website filestructure be under /var/www/html/ and check it at http://localhost

| ...
You will soon find the need to change files owenrship on that folder to be www-data:www-data in order to function as it should, and performing that is a self teaching excercise about having privilege to write onto a location which you are not the owner of, and the file permission setting operation itself.
Enjoy the journey OP.

| >>fe5370
That was unexpected, thx for the tips :)

| >>273132
Witch part of windows is more comfy for porn than any linux-desktop? The edge browser? The windows media player? The explorer? The filesystem? Installing Firefox/chrome/tor/vlc? I don't understand.

| Ok to summarize it again why some gnu/linux users are upset about windows and mac:
The issue is, that companys like microsoft or apple set standards which are exlusively restricted to their products as a marketing strategy. This is often not about protecting their innovations but to knock out concurrence and bind users and developers to their products. They also ignore existing free and open standards or secretly and illegally copycat or use a modified and closed version of them.

| >>273985
They also make their systems partially open to bait developers in their cave.
I personally have less technological struggle with windows. It's obvious that it technically made big steps forward by becoming more and more Unix alike functionalities (DOS->NT) which led to more stability and security (even thought it's impossible to check it yourself/independently for holes - especially intentional ones)

| >>273989
I don't like the UI (any), but it's possible to modify it a bit. Greater customations come with a risk of security and stability.
When I used windows I never used the explorer, internet explorer media player, paint or notepad . I always replaced them with 3rd party stuff which often was open source.
But due to the lack of open/free standards like POSIX compatible environment variables and directory structure or a package/dependency management it was always frankensteinish.

| >>273996
When I switched to linux (debianoid) it was like wonderland. Everything was so easy, modular, exchangeble and you finally got error messages and solutions that made some sense. The biggest suprise to me was the command line, which I was familiar with it from DOS but always avoided when windows came out. It was so much convienient with autocomplete, colorization, manpages, functions, aliases, environment variables, etc. Also the separation of user and system space was...

| >>274003
...much more consequent/consistent than under windows.
Why I write "was" is because in the last years something happned:
Windows became more Unix alike and gnu/linux desktops also got more windows alike features. The only difference is that under gnu/linux you are more free to choose for or against such features and customize your environment only limited by your knowledge.

| >>274006
I also understood the price of convienience and other issues of a central packaging system. But with todays popular container systems like snapd, docker etc. you're able to install software blobs in your userspace like under windows.

So to summarize it again:
The issue of windows (and also osx) is the lack of freedom and the marketing strategy of its maintainers to standardize even simple but closed components with the goal to bind users and developers.

| >>274012
Btw, about freedom: how can i be sure that my desktop environment and the distro itself is secure and doesn't compromise my data as windows?

| >>274076 This is something that comes up quite often. "How can I be sure of..."
Well, you can never be 100% sure of anything. Even if you have programmed everything yourself, you still have used some libraries (includes, imports, etc). Or even if you don't, then what about hardware? And so on.
What is realistic to think about is where is the starting point of trust, how far down the several layers there are. Hardware itself? Drivers? OS? Application? Plugin/3rd-party-module?

| ...
The vast majority of computer users can not or have not the time to do all the verifications needed. So what happens is that they look around choosing where and whom to trust. If one can't verify something, maybe a friend can. Or his friend can. Or maybe those guys at "Megacorp Software Inc" can. Or modding community knows something about it. Or the developers of that kernel can recommend what to use or do.
This is how it works.

| Windows is the iPhone of the OS world. I love Linux but everything is on Windows so if I want to play games I use Windows. I hate it but it's a necessity. I dual boot debian and windows so I can have a decent OS sometimes and it's great.

| >>274129
The difference is, that if the code for these libraries are accessible to the public, people are only limited by their knowledge and time to look deeper into the stuff OR at least try to do it better. For proprietary/closed code you are already limited by the will of its distributor and are 100% dependend on his will and skill.
It is not only a Problem in the IT world. The lack of standardization to attract and bind customers is also a big issue in other industries.

| >>274415
In the IT world it is just much more extreme and uneccesary/artificial since it is mostly about licencing things that are pretty basic/usual and not even created by those who licence it. Like the "shape" of the Ipad or the "progress bar" in a UI. Or the stupid amount of power connectors. I have 5 external harddisks, with 4 different power plugs. They are all running with 12V. So i also have 4 diffrent power supplys that are only compatible to the fitting device. Thats dumb

| >>274421
...as fuck
Usually software should solve problems. And the best way to solve a problem is to dissasamble it into smaller problems. Then you program parts of a program like libraries with objects, functions that solve this dissasembled problems and put them together in your main programm. The communication between this "modules" should be standardized and documented to make them reusable and exchangable. In the (closed) windows world you have fat, unaccessible bloaty blobs.

| >>274265
The only game until now, which did not work with wine on my pc is "empire earth". Dualboot is just a pain in ass for me, because I want play a game while having a break from work without rebooting. DirectX is just again a piece of proprietary, closed shit which only purpose is to bind developers and users to the only OS it runs on. Luckily also OSX users have issues with it and Apple may oppose MS here (as long they dont offer some simmiliar shit).

| >>274138
And again: I am totally fine with this. The Problem here is that "MegaCorp Software Inc." do not only offer a service for users without enough knowledge or time to do everything themselves. No, they set standards to bind users to their company and exclude any potential concurrence. With their monopoly alike power they just fuck up the whole idea behind a "free market" by terminating competition, which in my opinion is a proof that this idea horribly fails in practice.

| The big IT companies that offer software or online services/plattforms just give a shit about values like freedom of choice, democracy, privacy and public infrastructure. They steal ideas from tax-payed universities, refuse to pay taxes, artificially bind users and developers to their systems and acting like big brother who know better what is good for you than yourself. They need massive regulation by anti-syndication law and taxation policy.

| >>274462
sadly politic is sleeping and only interested in the collected data, not in the protection of their citizens. And why? Because the citizens are raised to be dumb working and consuming sheeps by politics as well as companys. "We know what is the best for you". I prefer to have a choice in whom I trust to rule or handling my data. In real live companys like apple, microsoft and facebook want to take away this choice from me, making me struggle with their proprietary shit.

| >>274470 I also agree with all the posts. The devil is always in the details though and modern life has come to allow little time for detail analysis. Everyone including me like aesthetic products and well designend products, a good intuitive interface, accessible content and operational tools, etc. But on the other hand, under a beautiful UI may as well be a crappy product, in the sense of software quality, as that is what is being discussed.

| ...
The working algorithms can be buggy, edge cases are poorly handled and will lead to crashes, there might be race conditions and deadlocks, layers upon layers of compatibility, a procedure which includes a custom library which was derived from a standard one which was a wrapper of yet another one written in a different language... And soon all is a spaghetti mess throwing efficiency out of the window and each step adding some security risk.

| ...
But all everyone sees is a nice interface which indeed might be a good one.
Having the freedom to choose and analyse does not mean that all are able and should do it. That is a missconception that many like to jerk off to while making fun of it. The point is that you can do it if you wish to, there is no veil covering it. That you can not or don't want to is missing the point. Ignoring the worries of the people who can, is closing the eyes and pretend everything is fine.

| Op here, this thread unexpectedly became gold, we should save it. >>ffb6af >>9f0b44 >>5e8ba8 i understand the "megacorp" side, and that searching for alternatives is best solution, but why everyone is pointing on linux and other things that are highly popular among "free and opensource" things? The only known alternative os is linux, alternatives browsers are all based on chromium or firefox, where is the diversity?

| >>263726
Linux overall, windows for gaming, as long as the game has no Linux support.

| >>275098
Please do not call "Linux" an operating system. GNU/Linux and the distributions are their own OSes, while Linux is merely a kernel. GNU/Linux distros are incredibly diverse. You have minimal meta distros, fully fledged ready-to-use ones and everything inbetween. Not to mention Distros based on literal PhD Theses like NixOS, which I'd absolutely call revolutionary in the way they do package management. Then there's the BSDs, which also deserve attention (they aren't Linux).

| The fact that "GNU/Linux" is so hard to write on a cellphone bugs me, and I think these guys asking for the whole thing are kind of right. Then, could we call it "Gnux", "GLX" or something like that instead?

| >>275470
Just GNU or GNU OS is fine too. Stallman merely coined "GNU/Linux" or as he's recently taken to calling it "GNU + Linux" to give Torvalds some credit aswell. It's just that Linux the Kernel happens to be the only kernel that works with GNU. Hurd the microkernel is in development.


| By the way, are there any OS based on linux but not gnu?

| >>275715
Yes there are. Android for example uses Linux the kernel, but very little to none of the GNU projects software (or licenses). See https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/android-and-users-freedom.en.html
Another OS which you might get away with calling just Linux is "Alpine". It replaces basically all of the userland with no GNU tools. Though I suppose the Linux kernel itself still has to be compiled with GNU GCC. I personally like the GNU userland, it's rock solid.

| >>275495
forever in development

| Hardware is not yet fit for microkernel architectures beyond the supercomputer world. The design and way of working makes it underperformant compared to monolithic kernels. Context switching and interprocess communication are very frequent and a lot more in quantity, being used for things that monolithic kernels do with simpler system calls, never leaving trusted kerne space and being part of the same thing.

| But microkernels are a beauty of design, incredibly modular, theoretically never needing a reboot, less complex to program as each component is highly self contained. And all this comes to the expense of performance.
Minix is microkernel. It is so small and modular and simple and beautiful that Intel decided it to be the thing running and driving in its ME as firmware, operational even when the main system OS is shut down.

| Wtf sheep response bait

| >>277238 Shouldn't you be playing with your Nintendo, little one?

| >>273975 >>273250
You see Ivan, i can go to store with bulldozer just fine, but thats not why I buy bulldozer, that's why I have van.
I don't want to mix my personal stuff with my "serious" stuff, be professional, you know.

| the lenght of this thread.

| Haiku OS

| It is not dead yet, Jim.

| TempleOS

| React os

| Sad that so many things require Windows, but Microsoft refuses to actually make their OS functional, like why the fuck did they literally put bonzi buddy in windows 10 only with another skin, and who even need XBox DVR?! it only fucks with framerates!

| Well, just like, disable it man.
Go to regedit and make a dword for allowcortana 0
You can hax windows into shape so it fits your needs

| >>285359
>You can hax windows into shape so it fits your needs
No you can not. Neither legally nor practically due to it being a proprietary environment.

| >>285639 This.

Also, even if you modify some stuff you still have a bunch of garbage occupying space in your hard drive and often you'll have unwanted processes tracking you and consuming processing power, unless you actually know how to disable them all.

Linux runs most of my programs faster, excepting games obviously.

Actually, I have found some games that won't run on Windows due to my limited amount of RAM but can be played on the same computer using Linux.

| Delete your child porn, problem solved

| >>285359
Funny. Windows users regulary shit on linux for beeing impractical: >huh, evil command line and text file configuration
Just to end up with cryptic "regedit" stuff. You are right, one can has windows to suite his needs. But you never really know what you're doing and how long it will last. In the end you fuck up the system with your "hax" or whacky 3rd party software to ease things.
The unix philosophy is even without the question of licencing and freedom superior to win.

| >>285793 >>285639
Yo, W and L have different purposes why are you even arguing about this?
Claiming you should not learn something because your opinion is biased is just stupid.

| >>285969 Which purposes Windows has?

| Chad Linux Vs Virgin Windows

| Linux really better than win-series.

| >>286094 chad, but afraid of his dick getting spied on, why bother living if you can't show the world your big black cock?

| >>285969
I don't see the (technical) purpose of windows. But i see the business purpose: monopolizing the software market.

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