Post number #1048959, ID: c64475
the vibes that i get from my dollar tree bargain bin of a used rooted 6" nook are immaculate
Post number #1048965, ID: 21def9
Cheap Ebook readers are god's gift for this cursed over-technologized world. Just you and the words on the screen refreshed at 1 fps
Post number #1049016, ID: 114711
now read
Post number #1049017, ID: 1b6049
nOuW rEaDuH
Post number #1049027, ID: f8882f
I have a boox nova pro. after 6 years of light use it still works fine. Although its rather slow because it uses a rockchip from 2014 or something.
Post number #1049121, ID: 1b6049
i was looking into one that could read comics and manga but in the end it ended up being a lot cheaper to buy a shitty tablet and use that one instead
Post number #1049174, ID: c879c3
For colors? Yeah it’s not so good.
Post number #1049244, ID: 6177bb
Afaik the color ereaders are muted and a little dim compared to the black-and-white counterparts. Also more blurry... Also the ones with a pen are great for writing (and syncing) notes!
Post number #1049309, ID: 5aea9a
I have a 2013-2014 Dell Venue 7 tablet but I don't like it for reading. It's too big and heavy in bed.
Post number #1049314, ID: 3c5cd2
>>1048959 if i can be honest i was thinking about read for a while but fact that you need carrying big and seperate device for reading.. also with some drm as newer updates of kindle.. i would maybe actually recommend buying flagship phone if you don't have one.. devices as S24 FE have 6.7" screen which is just hilariously big (and sadly heavy too), but it's kind of things you are carrying and using anywhere
Post number #1049315, ID: 3c5cd2
Yes it's not e-ink (and not saving battery or your eyes) - it's important factor for you? Than go to ereader of course, but i needed pastel screen honestly which aren't cheap readers usually.. Samsung is just example there are other phones too, if you will get lucky to get smaller one i understand ebook is your prefered category somehow. But if not, i think these screens are somehow universal to use if you will survive this weight (I can't still use to it fully)
Post number #1049418, ID: c64475
>>1049314sorry i've only used an old nokia since 2014
Post number #1049460, ID: 5c1045
>>1049314 cringe
Post number #1049482, ID: 3c5cd2
>>1049460 *reader
Post number #1049550, ID: 69c3d9
But what if I want add in between the chapters, the pages, the words!
Post number #1049692, ID: e6734c
>>1049314 >big device What are you talking about. Ebook readers are supposed to be small and light, definitely lighter than bringing a book. If yours is heavy you're being scammed.
>Is e-ink an important factor for you? Yes! Once you've used an e-ink device, you'll never want to go back to burning your eyes.
Total number of posts: 16,
last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1742873557
| the vibes that i get from my dollar tree bargain bin of a used rooted 6" nook are immaculate