Post number #1047787, ID: a584dd
I don't want to learn html and I'd like a gui of sorts. I use Microsoft FrontPage but I find the whole process annoying. Are there any better html editors?
Post number #1047800, ID: 188879
learn html & css
Post number #1047863, ID: 262930
Pick any other WYSIWYG HTML editor from the era (check Wikipedia), but it's probably not going to be a smooth experience either.
Post number #1047895, ID: 66abb3
Learn html it's easy to piggy back and reverse engineer existing code. If you struggle with css you can commission people to help.
Post number #1048196, ID: 42187f
holy fuck just throw away your brainrot-device and fucking learn html, it'll take 30 mins ok maybe 60 because your brain is rotten now
Post number #1048217, ID: 8f07b8
>>1048196 Don't be so mean to MS FrontPage g/u/rl! HTML can be very daunting or even tedious at first for some. Maybe she can try Adobe dreamweaver? Personally I would still advise the HTML route. Just find some free templates and modify them to get a feeling for it, look at the source of your favorite neocities or nekoweb site and see how they are made, copy paste code you find into your template and adjust to your taste!!! ("⌒∇⌒")
Post number #1048227, ID: f7294e
>>1048196 it'd be helpful to have dynamic view of how your code looks like and behaves instead of saving and opening the html file every time
Post number #1048253, ID: b808d4
It should be written in C!
Post number #1048294, ID: 262930
>>1048227 browser on the left, notepad on the right, ctrl-s, move mouse to the left, f5.
Post number #1048308, ID: 43bc95
>>1048217 damn Dreamweaver that unlocked some memories. But iirc it was very shit
Post number #1048309, ID: 43bc95
>>1047787 I was looking into stuff like this some time ago and these looked alright:
| I don't want to learn html and I'd like a gui of sorts. I use Microsoft FrontPage but I find the whole process annoying. Are there any better html editors?