
| FYI if you log in at https://dangeru.us/mod you can view users' ips.

this is the ip of total transphobic spammer
52.2298,21.0118 Warsaw PL
AS12912 T-Mobile Polska S.A.

| cool

| Aghhh polish g/u/rls so cute and full of life! I love Poland and its people lots and lots! You can do it g/u/rl! Don’t let the demons win!! I wanna kiss with you one day!

| >Poland
So Prefetcher betrayed us...

| If you can log in there, why won't you delete these threads?

| Good job g/u/r/l

| >>1047651 doubter! OP please post the IP of this vile gurl who dare to think!

| is this what they call humiliation ritual?

| >doxing a mobile IP
are you retarded?

| You do realize that there are people who share the same IP?

| Omg omg what is my IP???

| >>1047715

| >>1048055
Me too???!!!!!!! Let’s have sex?

| >>1048075 (⸝⸝> ω <⸝⸝)

| I love spreading miss information on the internet

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1741974018

This thread is closed.