Framework Desktop

| thoughts?
excited for (relatively) affordable locally hosted AI

| What's the point? Framework Laptop I can get behind
But this? What's different about it from a custom built PC?

| soldered ram

| Soldier RAM :0

| >soldered ram in a desktop
Seriously, what the fuck

| >>1046534 it's the future, you just wait...

| hey brother I'm retarded but why wouldn't you just copy an open source AI to run

| >>1047131
gpu vram is the problem, we have shitloads of open source ai

trying to get a 48gb vram gpu is ~5k eur (fuck nvidia) and 98gb vram gpu don't even exist yet

only real choice for "power efficient ai on your desk" was the mac studio (also 5k eur)

then this showed up for half the price lmao

| >>1047131
gpu vram is the problem, we have shitloads of open source ai

trying to get a 48gb vram gpu is ~5k eur (fuck nvidia) and 98gb vram gpu don't even exist yet

only real choice for "power efficient ai on your desk" was the mac studio (also 5k eur)

then this showed up for half the price lmao

| fuck i doublepost

| IMO unless you have a solid use case to run AI locally, it is pointless, expensive and generally worse than using online services. Especially considering how fast things change in this field. but I'm a noob who only uses openai from time to time

| let's assume you have hardware to run any model you want, what would you use it for?

| >>1047228

| IIRC they wanted to build a system with a new chip they got, but cou'd not get it to work in a laptop form factor, so they just made a small portable.
The issue is, average consumers don't know or care about Framework, and enthusiasts are building their own pcs.
The only market I can really see are ai bros, people who just want to support Framework, and enthusiasts who want a secondary portable computer.
I just don't see it selling well at all.

| *small portable desktop

| Also, enthusiasts that want a mobile computer are probably just going to get a handheld.

| >>1047227 holy FUCK i hate openai their API costs SO GODDMAN MUCH

| so glad i can pin it down as a """company expense""" haahhaahahahaahah

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1741478236

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