Abandon the Firefox ship

| https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/firefox/firefox-news/firefox-terms-of-use/

tl;dr BOTNET
use LibreWolf or unGoogledChromium.

| You're totally overreacting or not understanding the terms....

| >>1046028
>Mozilla collects certain data, like
>technical and settings data, to provide the core functionality of the Firefox browser and associated services,
>distinguish your device from others,
> ...
>Some Firefox features, like

| >automated translation for web pages and “alt-text” suggestions ... powered by artificial intelligence (AI) based on small language models downloaded to your device.
>These operate locally
>Note that other Firefox features may integrate third-party AI models, as further detailed in this Notice.

Anything else?

| >>79514e
Nope, I just thought you should've posted that from the start so I baited you into doing it now instead lol. Thanks though, I still appreciate it even if I had to drag it out of you.

It's a shame they don't mention if all these changes are implemented in the mobile app as well because librewolf doesn't have a mobile client and I kinda like having Firefox extension on mobile but fetching site translations automatically to my phone really irks me.

| Honestly I just use Brave. I got tired of letterboxing and and ublock breaking sites.
It just works tm

| I can't think of a single site that ublock broke that wasn't easy to circumvent. I also got fingerprint spoofing and umatrix so I'm not leaving Firefox/librewolf anytime soon.

| https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid/

Good Firefox based browser with all the shit removed

| le shil lion

| >>1046040
It's tedious and adds friction when I'm on my PC in front of a coworker and I have to disable 3p scripts and frames for some shitty JS-heavy website to load

| firefox has felt like it's been on a spiral of bad decisions for a while. like removing features that made it uniquely usefull instead of expanding them. and just chasing tail of chromes extensions and shitty features.

at this point i'd be glad to see it gone

| maybe glad is a bit far? don't get me wrong, i'm sad it's been heading this way. but it's been headed here for a long time

| >>1046052
It's still the only good browser imo. I don't get the hate when chromium, brave and opera are much worse in every regard. Moreso, Firefox is still open sauce and there are good forks out there.

| >>1046054
Hey i use a firefox fork, but We're both dick suckers here

| Bring back phaseout

| Wait so they’re adding a feature to let us natively post in the Russian threads? That’s good. If run locally what’s the privacy violation?

| >>1046079

| >>1046047
i've only had experience with librewolf, but i'd say the built in screenshot stuff there was quite nice for sentence mining manga.

with brave, i have to either use some flameshot (which for some reason delays my screenshots by like 20s)

| >>1046201
the point i'm making is that none of us use firefox/fork because it's uniquely usefull or has that feature which makes it sick, or even have a belief the software is truly developed to be utility to the user. e.g. i'd kill for a browser with inbuilt sftp w/image preview

instead it's been systemized into being a "html viewer w/addons", anything better is Verboten.

we use it because sucking dick is the only option. firefox forks just happen to wash it every now and then

| https://youtu.be/E4JOnQY_qbo

| >>1046267
So basically you're complaining Firefox isn't bloated enough?

| >>6cc673 >>8c7a45
Why do you talk like some smaillbrained kid trying to impress his high school friends?? I hope you don't talk like this in real life.

| >>1046383
no, it should have a good way to support protocols be more modular and have way less packaged features

| >>1046385
i don't talk in real life no high scheel fwiend to impress i fear oh me oh my

| a web browser is bloat. the current web standard is bloat. even if the browser packaged sftp, the protocol is ligter and i'd be invisable to the user, it's not like i'm asking for a sftp button in the toolbar.

that's something i'd want specificly.

aaaand fuck i fell for bait, cool i'm taking a internet break fuck you all

| >>1046402
use safari

| >>1046402
Healthy kiss~
I didn’t understand the words here anyway

| >the only way to get you lazy fucks to engage is to bait you into it

small wonder y'all get no respect

| ^ lmfao preach

| Every company is now required to state that they are collecting data. I tried Brave and I got bombarded with crypto notifications.

| Who the fuck cares, there is a way to rip this stuff out of Firefox anyway, which is open source. TOR browser uses Firefox as a base anyway, so there's no way that shit will be staying in. Mozilla get a huge amount of funding from Alphabet Inc, its no surprise that they would have to concede some amount of bullshit like this. They've been caught before for enabling stuff by default that harms your privacy, no corporation is ever going to be on your side.

| >>1046543
I care and so do everyone else who uses firefox

| I think I used the translate yesterday and it was nice

| >>1046543 imagine funding company you compete with so you won't be sued for monopoly.

| I think I'll stick with icecat on my laptop from now on and a combination of Vanadium and {{{brave}}} on my phone I guess

| aight I'ma use Google chrome stable

| So, should I try others like surf from suckless.org (I don't think firefox's forks will help), or it is enough to use ublock+umatrix(and as for additional noscript)?

| it's not enough. You need to use whonix virtual machine on a stolen laptop with VPN and Tor browser. on stolen internet

| Firefox apparently says they are not changing any of their practices, but California changed its legal definition around data, so Firefox changed its wording reflect that.
Kinda like how every product is labeled with warning foe Californians because they are really overzealous with their regulations.
It is up to you if you belive Mozilla or not.

| >>1047286

right.. which means they've been doing a thing they should't for a long time.

but they have now been forced to disclose it.

it does not mean that they are changing their practice, just as regulation tigthens, that would be a very very silly interpretation.

| >>1047287
From what I heard California basically defines storing any data as sale of data for some reason, but I have not confirmed this.
I bought a piece of wood that had a warning for Californians recently. Regulations are necessary and good, but Cali's are so ridiculous that everything has to be labled, so you can't use them to tell what is or is not actually harmful.

| >>1047246
Wow! Easy, easy, dear g/u/rl!

Total number of posts: 42, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1741379705

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