Haiku OS

| What's your opnion on Haiku OS?


| Ran it in a v86 VM. Pretty cool.

| its cool i dont think i would daily drive it though

| I hate operating systems! They’re woke!

| It's pretty cool, especially with combining the windows of different applications as tabs in one window.

But I will never try it, because:
1. The file system hierarchy resembles that of mac OS
2. Designed as a single user (yes, you can create another user on the same system, but in a weird way).
3. Not very good POSIX compatibility (if I remember correctly).
4. Something else.. I forgot.

| >>1043915 they're so sexy and only wokes have sex

| Who?

| Needs more driver support.
Installer is weird because it constantly installs bootloader onto my usb drive, I guess you're meant to install it from a non rewritable medium.
It's a great system for old computers (1998-2008) because it's very lightweight and easy to use. Linux distros are too heavy nowadays even something like antiX is just hogging CPU at 100% when using APT.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1739709431

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