Dead internet reality

| Bots are everywhere. Social networks are a huge ai slop from competing governments and corporations.

Even danger/u/ is not safe anymore. The only thing keeping it safe for now is the fact that nobody cares.

Are we fucked?

| Yes, we are so fucked

| we're very used to be fucked actually

| i would donate to dangeru if they implemented nepenthes

| but yeah, we're moving towards a dead internet and i have already noticed how stuff i used to rely on in the past cant be relied on any more. so far you can still find gold but your interests needs to align with topics that arent targeted by corps, governments or trolls. the wild west era of the internet is mostly over unless youre into some greyhat stuff like piracy

| girls what do you mean, I can't understand shit

| >>1042051
They r sad becuz their vagoo can't get wet :(

| Keep your friends close.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1738194565

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