What happened to danger/u/ app on PlayStore?

| I had forgotten about this place for 2 years. I wanted to visit them again but the app no longer exists on play Store

| wait what i was literally about to replace my iphone for an android just for this

| la/u/ncher

| It wasn't updated since 2018. It's available on F-Droid.

| We need it back on the playstore to get new users

| Why was it removed from PlayStore in the first place?

| >>1041737 update it first
>>1041740 I think you have to pay like 30€ a year or so to keep your app on Play Store. Lack of updates might've killed it. It's been gone since around 2020 I think?

| I wonder how much it costs to keep danger/u/ running.
The Patreon still makes $52 a month

| >>1041818 I'm going in random but I think around 150€ a year. I'm from Poland and it's rather doable

| pl*ystore launched a new term some time ago saying every app that was not updated in 2 years would be removed. gotta updoot.

| Preeeef

| >>1041899
I support you and also Poland!

| Poland mountain

| >>1041683
Is there really any need for an app? The mobile webpage works perfectly.

| >>1042173
To attract more users yes. I want danger/u/ to be more active. There was a time when the webpage was inaccessible on the app and the user count dropped HARD. To give an idea on how many people used the app. It's how a lot of people found this site to begin with

| >>1042184
If that's so, I suggest a collective effort to remake the app, and push it both on fdroid and playstore

| >>1042184 Thanks to that app I knew this place. I also forgot about it when it disappeared from the Play Store. It's an excellent investment, I hope you consider it. btw the F-droid app is broken on my phone, most of the buttons don't work.

| >>1042194 yeah good idea I'm starting right now. Go go developers remake app! just doing my part o7

| I’ll encourage them too! Make 2 apps developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers!

| I wonder how yall discovered Danger/u

| >>1042365
I was just casually browsing f-droid on my de-googled phone when I recognised the app name from when I played VA-11 Hall-A.

| >>1042365
One day I just came across it. Don't remember how, don't remember why

| Be nice, an updated app with new skins and features

| >>1042365
Someone was using the red floofy ear girl as an avatar in the transhumanist community and then I found it liked on steam

| If the app got updated/put back on the playstore, I'd support the Patreon

| >>1042474 if I promise you it'll come back would you pay first?

| Can someone send me money on patternon instead?

| PSA https://github.com/nilesr/United4

Total number of posts: 28, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1738795339
