If "smell tech" gets invented what virtual thing would you like to smell?

| I'd like to smell Pacman
I bet Pacman smells like good cheese or pizza

| sex

| boy smell

| Stuff like ozone and distant heavenly bodies like the stars, the moon and Uranus

| Girl smell and boy smell please but NO nonbinary smell nuh-uh! That shit is NOT valid in my book! Lemee tell you!!

| Fresh pizza

| your moms cumed prostate

| I wan t to smell that bitch from ovarjba of IME who likes vowws vows vowd anf shit

| >>1039998
>..Pacman smells like good cheese or pizza
or bread.

| >>1040370 are you actually fucking implying that MR PACMAN IS A PIECE OF BREAD?

| can't wait to roleplay as a smelly homeless old man

| >>1040395
Ye-e-e-a-ah~???? *smiles playfully*

Or rather, a whole bun (namely "kolobok").

| >>1040441 *looks "kolobok" on google*
Okay, that looks like Pacman, I admit.
Interesting folklore!

| >>1040454
Thank you!

| Roses and violets

| >>1040500 you're welcome!

>>1040517 Those are good old classics, I'll smell and sniff them when I get the chance

| >>1040532
i'll smell you if i get the chance :)

| >>1040550 I'll make sure to sniff you back! I bet you smell heavenly

| Rain

| Or sea

| Or tasty ramen~

| Of course that fantasy beer. That overflowing very tasty hugr fantasy beer...

| >>5c6d3c good ideas!
>>1040636 cheers g/u/rl! I bet it's delicious

| >>28151d
What id color is that?

| >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d >>28151d

| >>1040735
Ivory for me

| i like smell of my steam deck

| I wonder what danger/u/ smells like

| >>1041025

| Asmongold

| >>1041025
secre.. one!

| >>1039999
sex basically smells to cum

| Smelltech was already invented several times. It just never caught on for some reason.

| Monster hunter food

| Minecraft Blocks

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1738054184

This thread is closed.