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post your personal projects

| if you want :) i'd like to see the geniuses of one of the most horny sex-loving transfem-embracing retardation-accepting toxicity-denying sex-sexing boards of all time

| damn. i guess you should go on crystal cafe then.

| OP, it's time to grow up. Start contributing yourself and you might actually earn some respect for the first time in your life.

| >>1036283 Thank you, appreciate it. I know that and I realize the importance of it if I ever want to actually feel fulfilled for once. It's just incredibly INCREDIBLY difficult for me because of the way I am. I have bad self-esteem and the thought of inferiority always stays in my mind. I cope by internalizing the belief that death brings equality therefore I don't need to equalize myself to other people.

| The "contributions" I do to myself are things that are incredibly unorthodox, i.e. completely autistic to other people, by which no OTHER human will ever appreciate it as much as I do. To the point where I repress myself to people before I somehow make the whole situation worse (because it's a curse that I make people always fucking hate me). I don't know why, my appearance? My personality -- the way I talk? I realize that people are not for me yet I feel saddened by that fact too.

| hot

| I love sex.

| https://wvrmoe.bandcamp.com/album/best-of-danger-u

| no

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1734354708

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