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Why are tech related jobs so hard to get?

| Like seriously, I have degrees, certificates.. a few projects on my resume. Wtf else do I need? I feel so stuck I hate it.

| Add sex

| an indian accent

| I think they don’t really exist and you have to start your own company and it’s all so overwhelming ????

| >>1033882 tbh this if i could decide if i want hire white american/european with PhD who have studied Oxford/Harvard in math etc. or Indian who made programming tutorial on youtube, i would hire him, because all this "white" people was just copied his code

| White need higher pay, try being a minority.

| >>1033908
that's right. In the end all is reduced to money. (Of course that is not well).

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1732464411

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