i suck at progaming

| how to do veri fast veri otimize veri gud kode ?

| chat gpt

| progaming not equals programming.
I think you look for some linter, smart one, with code verification, maybe also to accepted style (not just syntax checking and error prediction).

| good

| >progaming
I think both Overwatch and Starcraft are dying by now, but the fighting game community seems strong as ever. You can probably make it to Evo if you just practice well every day.

| thx for ans mai kode is noaw 90x fastur

| Why i readed programming

| >>1033470
cos you read text similar to words code, optimize, with similar to very fast, very good.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1731990280

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