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I'm so happy that computer hardware ages slower these days.

| 2001 laptop in 2014 was practically unusable.
Today I am using a 2011 laptop and it is just perfect.

| You're perfect babe, *stab you cutely*

| >>1032565 ...A-All that because I just... U-Use W-Windows 10 LTSC... ... *bleeds from mouth and collapses*

| Wow it actually runs windows? Surprised at that. I though you needed like gaming hardware or 5 year old hardware for windows

| >>1032562 I use 2008 ThinkPad X200, despite being 16 years old it's still more than usable with linux. of course it feels kinda sluggish in modern web, but far from unusable.

| i used an ASUS Eee PC 1005HA from 2008 until recently when it broke down and it worked more or less flawlessly with linux if you blocked unwanted content with umatrix when you browsed the web. it struggled with 720p back in the day before hardware support was added for video playback. the day i laid her to rest, it was saddest day of my life. i'd give anything for one last hack with that shitty computer.

| Maybe backward compatibility is something considered now? Or was that never a thing before in the pursuit of progress?

| >>1032587 LTSC is practically like Win 7 in terms of requirements.

| Tech just seems less interesting as a result, kinda like the iphone where it's incremental but the same price.

| >>1032647
Would you rather have less compatibility in exchange of better technological advancements?

| >>1032562 time dilation. or just technological stalling. stallin

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1731297868

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