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| Being inventive and creative is never a crime unless related to booby trap, so i seem to be compelled to "invent" some sort of math or code that is convenient for me to do matrix for 3d rotation, and at the same time, i also cannot do any code that has if else or multiplications...what is this exactly? i ve never made games but im stuck with this, pseudo psychological problem despite knowing just about the right programming code to do

| !Indonesian alert!

| | !Indonesian alert!

| hola putita quieres chupar me pie?

| If you're actually trying to get better instead of shitting up the board I really applaud you. Honestly even if you're still a bad poster but mentally healing I'll be smiling for you.

I have made some posts the g/u/rls didn't like on here, and I try my best to be a good g/u/rl, but my life has been getting better from medication and organizing my life.

Please talk to those close to you and look for psychological care. I'm sorry to pawn you off but I don't know the solution.

| My instinct would be to make a plan to do a very small part of the task over a certain period of time, then anylize why or why it did not work.

| | | | !Indonesian alert!

| >>1032543 >>1032556 >>1032621
What does It mean?

| >>1032584 mate you have no issue in coding so fuck off with your medication because you didnt get your psych cert, so i d urge to keep it that way and, you know, take a bit more hit like actual normies. actually, they dont. anyway, you didnt adress a single thing isaid
>>1032585 again, all the plans kinda work but it seems like i am naturally leaning towards a particular way of coding. and i have been coding so little, in my life, so this took me by surprise
>>1032626 unemployment

| >>1032683
Are you op? >>888e4a was genuinely nice to you, why are you being rude to her?

Like, I don't get it. If people are mean to you, you're rude to them. if people are nice to you, you're also rude to them.

>i also cannot do any code that has if else or multiplications
I'm sorry but if this is a real problem you have, you genuinely do need to seek professional help. This is the sort of thing they make medications for.


| if poster = mean:
elif poster = nice:

| >>1032686 derailing it to where i dont appreciate it is not nice.
>real help
i dont even know if it is a thing or just mssive nervous. you tell me what tablet, smartass. i dont feel like clowning for you
>>1032705 hm, quite funny. although useless.

| !Indonesian alert!

| Indonesian trans porn

| >>1032752 >>1032753 yawn. Fags. Just like your dad's. Or mums. We re very happy. I mean, I am. I am happy. They are such a fucking slave. Unlike you all.

| !leech alert!

| >>1032910 i gave comment around here

| Indonesian trans porn

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1731484733

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