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Need ways to save Reddit posts

| The default save function of Reddit sucks ass. Once you reach 1000 items, you can't access your old saved posts/comments.

| A solution I see is to have a 3rd party app save it instead. I've seen this extension https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/subreddit-bookmarks/npfhoibgceohdgkoighlnnnikbbepfjb where it saves it in your own subreddit or https://github.com/aplotor/eternity where it gets saved in your own firebase setup. Is there any other practical way? I value cross-platform, meaning I can still use it hassle free whether I'm using my phone or my computer.

| >reddit

| Interesting! I got one of those accounts a few months ago, but I don’t want them to hurt my head.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1731110188

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