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Windows 7, still the best

| I was given an old hand-me-down office PC in exchange for wiping the drive and when I put Windows 7 on it I was blown away. I was forced to be an early windows 8 adopter back in the day and I'd forgotten how great 7 was.

Everything so fast even on a HDD
No ads
Actually able to get the drivers for it > linux
Its 32bit so no software works = keeps me focused
no security

literally perfect, I wish I could go back on my real PC :'(

| >Its 32bit so no software works = keeps me focused
Thanks, needed that laugh today

>No ads
Insane that this is a plus these days when it should've been a bare minimum.

| OP is so funny

| >>1031582
>for it > linux
That's could make me discuss about it.. earlier. Now, after news around Russian maintainers of Linux kernel, I won't.
//Seeking alternative, not win/mac.

About topic, I may say, yes 7 is better than next one, but for me would more like the xp with royale noir theme, but it is still in main is 32bit. I prefer 64 bit.

| >>1031776 you can always switch to red Star OS if booting Russians off security critical projects bothers you

| Astra would be more appropriate I think.

| >>1031827
Yes, thank you, I heard about several variants from familiars.
If you mean Red OS, I don't trust them, more appreciated for that issue (as g/u/rl said here >>1031828) an Astra Linux. My familiars said that may be to consider also ALT linux. But this situation may make move to consider other than Linux distribution, let us BSD, or Haiku, etc.

| Look into projects like Genode. Good shit.

| >>1031853
That is interesting, and may be also to consider SerenityOS.
Thank you for pointed it.

| >>1b53cb
Imagine simping for Russian troll farms

| >>1031905
There are balding lonely BOYS who work at Russian troll farms and NEED my love cute inside them

| >>1031905
[jp. translit]: nande kore? (:
[Transl.] : "Huh? What is it?" (:
Anyway I guess fake death skill check will give us critical fail.
So this will not help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

| >>1031853
I read about Genode, I remembered that I had once stumbled up, before the transition to Linu.. khm, in general, I didn’t like with virtualization there, so I forget it even then. SerenityOS also met; so far, it is curious, but the words "POSIX-like virtual filesystem" bothers me; it seems like the usual /tmp, /var, /bin, etc. are supported.

| Windows LTSC is literally Windows 10/11 - Windows 7 edition

| Haiku will be dropped by me (never be as mainframe for me, but for science may someday it will be under scope), so what's next? SerenityOS?

// I wonder if finally my seek route will goes to windows back? (Horrible dream).

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1731016395

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