rapid prototyping tools

| what's that? you can make game very fastly??

| Unity Asset Flip? The ones used for shitty mobile game apps?

| ELS?

| >>1031442 what? That's a plugin int it. I'm not ane Hathaway so that's no good
>>1031447 esl? This ain't dota. Please now, you just need to sign a paper. I ll get the new id card. You d b 15, and everyone will be stomping on you just be awake. Adults, mostly. These days.

| >>1031453
I meant using the same tools that people use to make Unity Asset Flips if that's what you're asking.

| Pen and paper

| >>1031454 oh...i dont get it. is that a software? i thought RAD is a tool. type of somekind.
>>1031481 i am on pen and paper and its been days since i do anything close to computer. i mean, i cant even do a single code on it.

| >>1031486
Isn't RAD = Rapid Application Development, something you can do quick and dirty in Visual Studio?

| >>1031620 well i need something like http://tululoo.com/ but its a bit short on a few things

| >>1031796
What is exactly is your use case? What game are you thinking?

| I have a lot of game plans and ideas just not the convenience of the tools size and coding,formulas to my preference.

| >>1031940
What game genre? How complex will be the physics? Making your own engine or not?

| >>1031943 I have set up the basics at the tool above and figured most things... But the tool above does not export to anything selable a like apk or exe. So I'm stuck making toys just to Please myself. I feel like I need more...extension to this

| I know it's pointless to ask you to answer questions but it's really pissing me off!!! Stop dodging the questions!!

>>520f0b is asking for *what* game you want to make, not how many! You answered none of>>0ba6b9 's questions!

At this point why would you even WANT to make anything more than toys to please yourself. You clearly don't care about other people, you're always ignoring everyone who wants to help you!

| >>1032078
Damn, holy shit, Haha didn't expect this lol. I felt that.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1730789568

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