
| you just cant code (point_direction(x, y, 320, 240)
no matter what, and it stalls your entire gamedev experience because you cant get over that.

what you do?

| get a job

| >>1029789 How casual. you must love your own self. back to your cell normi

| get two jobs

| >>1029791 that doesnt solve my gamedev problem then.

| You post like an indian kid, I can smell you all the way from here. Tell your mom to clean the shit stains in your room.

| >>1029797 it's 2024 and you still only do racial insults, you must be from the cave of gorillas

| get three jobs

| get steve jobs

| keep spamming danger/u till one of the gurls comes to stab me in my sleep

| Learn! Trigonometric! Math! And functions! And calculus! Circles! Are! The! Answer!

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1728765199

This thread is closed.