The underlying purpose of AI is to allow wealth to access skill while removing from the skilled the ability to access wealth.

| The dream of "yay, we won't have to work so much!" in regards to AI/Automation was always a fools errand. It was ALWAYS going to be a "We will use this to replace as many workers as we can" technology. I'm curious about the point of view of all you writers, illustrators, and indie game developers about AI doing your jobs.

| I mean... yeah

| "Access skill" more like access slop

| Slip is skill baby… slop is skill

| I don't want to live in slop world

| AI infrastractures are hard and costy asf to maintain. It'd just cheaper to hire some random indian dude to do the same job. This is why all of this crap will soon collapse.

As for knowledge, I guess that books are more time efficient than unchecked AI bullshit. You spend 10 min googling out the info you need and 10 hrs to correct AI hallucination on the same topic. As they say, feel the difference.

| (books are just one example, it also could be internet or whatever you want to use to get some knowledge)

| the internal colonialism of america is only important when it starts affecting the professional-managerial class
let me get the world's tiniest violin for you ma'am

| >>1029059
They aren't that hard or costly to maintain though? The only thing you sacrifice is speed and for proffessional work it doesn't matter if it takes 20 seconds or 10 minutes to come up with art.

Besides, we're still in the first or second generation or so. This will improve eventually. I think you're dismissing the problems with AI a little bit too hastily.

| >>1029059
>This is why all of this crap will soon collapse.
The same thing was said about home computers, the internet, apple products, automatisation, ELECTRICITY, micro wave ovens etc etc etc... This is such a non-argument it's not even funny.

| >>1029059
>books books books
Uhh? There's not a single company that prints up to date encyclopedia on common knowledge anymore because the cost effectiveness and flexibility of the internet replaced it all. Bruh...

| Slop is skill baby… slop is skill

| Cute but you haven't access wealth so far with all your skill. I d say they simply, contorted you to stab yourself.

Also You need t speak English at least to use ai property, so imagine being an aborigin stranded in Africa maybe.

| >>1029166
You can use AI in Tenctonese, Naʼvi, Huttese, Barsoomian, Atlantean, Goa'uld, Dothraki, D'ni, Trigedasleng, Dovahzul, Vulcan, Sindarin, Quenya, Svartsprek, Klingon and yes even Australian Aboriginal languages. So you're wrong but that's the story of your life anyway eh?

| >>1029170
No I think she’s right! Prooompting is giving input like what it was trained on to get something like that, so if you’re not familiar with the kind of phrases and text it was trained on, you’ll get more general slop

| >>1029172
Where do you even encounter these crummy AIs of yours? They're trained on fuckhuge amounts of data, even crawling the internet, so anything with an encyclopedia and established rules for grammar is a piece of cake to handle.

| Hmph well I disagree and I’m much too important to argue with you! I hope we meet again under more intimate circumstances :3

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1727842191

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