Do you think dumbphones will catch on woth normies?

| IMO it depends on whether dopamine detoxing can be seen as "cool" or not

honestly though everything tech-related depends on being seen as "cool" to survive

| You should cut yourself more

| No. Smartphones have way too many conveniences like being a credit card or allowing to look up something online quickly instead of running back home.
Dumbphones nowadays are of worse quality than offbrand chink phone in 2008.
0.3mpx camera that records in 10fps
No Java
16MB flash or less, meaning you have to constantly delete messages and calls from history or it overflows.
Often they don't even ship with 4G in 2024.

| It's an ewaste dedicated to third world markets where people wouldn't even benefit from a smartphone due to lack of internet. Some wilderness is only good for calls, and they perform that okay.
Now as for dopamine detox, it's literally just self control.
My smartphone can run so many games and apps that allow for endless scrolling but I simply have no need for them. I use it for basic web browsing when outside or in bed, calls and messages. I sometimes pay with it.

| YouTube recommended me a lot of videos where some kids under 20 tried to sell me on getting a dumbphone, but from their video I've deduced that:
-they've been using smartphone for just media consumption, nothing useful like scanning qrs or payments.
-they claim to have moved to pc for "more advanced stuff"
-the background video is almost always some Minecraft world with a lot of establishments in it

| So in conclusion these kids just switched their time killing device to a good ol' pc.
They feel confused to me. I think there's parents to blame for not teaching them how to use their time productively beyond classes in school.
It's not gonna be easy for them. It's already not easy for me and I'm from 2002 lol.

| >>1028611 absolutely not, it's too late. I say this as a dumbphone userhimself. the problem is not only that normies may not know about "detox" thing, now without a smartphone I can't even queue for a doctor's appointment in my country, I have to scan a qr code and take a digital queue.

| earlier smartphones were just a convenience, but there were still alternatives in 2019-2022 (at least in my city), now it's more of a necessity, and maybe in 5-10 years we won't even have the choice to give up and stop using that dark-mirrored brick

| actually if you think about it, smartphones aren't so bad. what really dooms them is the modern internet and consoomerism culture.

| (and lack of privacy of course)

| i like smartphones, use em for work.
non work use dumb phone strictly, apps really aren't a nececity and if someone makes them... i just don't deal w/them, there's no need.

i'm also willing to bet that half the ppl that claim they absolutely cannot live without a smartphone, assume the convienient way persented first is the only one that exists, which really really ain't true, if you wanted to rid yourself of it you could.

| >>1028648 exceeeept i want a reliable calling device without having to worry about charging it every day / week. a month or two without charging shouldn't be a problem, you've just gotten used to it

i'm willing to bet more ppl found this site through the F-droid store then through playing the game.

which means danregu users skew heavily twords cronic open source app users. meaning the chances of a dumb phone user are astronomical

| >>1028657 actually I have this app installed on my flip phone (wouldn't call it dump, because it's have an android 5.1 and wi-fi)

| the phone is sharp aquos 601sh

| >>1028657
I found it through happy cybernetic pornography, and you can take my goonphone from my cold well moisturized hands! I’ve tried totally giving up screens and living outside and it didn’t help much. Focus and really believing in what you’re doing are very important

| >>1028672 I meant dumb, I'm just a little eepy

| Wait a minute people could just download a different OS on their phones now with less features and have a dumb phone except the keyboard I guess!!!

| Depends, because most young people I saw on internet usually use dumbphone (mostly this phone >>1028673) for "muh 2000s aesthetic, I miss that era" reason (even if most of them were still babies or haven't even born yet), and post it on Tiktok, Instagram, etc.

| >>1028707 the most funny this is that I got this phone from my friend who just made an intensive purchase on ebay. i don't even like it, I would like a much more square phone (this one has rounded corners) and preferably with java instead of android. but yeah since I got it for free and it's a gift AND I wanted a dumbphone, I thought why not try using it anyway.

| we got addicted to our phones

| >>1028786 just throw it away then

| >dopamine detoxing
"dumbphone" importers' propaganda

Smartphones are too convenient. I'm using my older mobile phone (not to confuse with "dumbphone" bullshit) and some information numbers aren't here anymore. And in most cases you have to talk. Smartphones are just clicking, no need to talk to anyone.

| I want more unique phone designs again. I hate how smartphones are standardised now "Oh boy the new Samsung 9XYA, this looks just like the last model I owned yay."

| Remember how cool the matrix reloaded phone looked? I miss that shit, when a new phone had 100s of choices in design.

| It might be a brief trend, but its never going to be a mainstream thing, smartphones are too addicting and too convenient. The presumption that everyone has one is too pervasive now, I had to use mine to get a public transport card last year.

| >>1029169
When I lived in a smaller town you had to pay the bus fare was with an app but at least they let you ride for free if the app broke, which it did all the time because it was notorious for having problems.

The only other way of paying would be at a store far from the station and only at certain hours during the day, and you had to take the same checkout as the other customers so the line could be long.

It was stupid, but as I said, at least they let you ride for free.

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