How many of you ONLY use linux

| Windows 11 is shit, MacOS has always been shit. I've been preparing to jump ship to linux, but I think instead I'm just gonna start daily driving linux and keep a Windows 10 install so that I can do stuff like mod games that is a bitch to do on linux.

How many of you gurls actually use linux and only linux? Most people I see online who claim to use linux also use Windows or Mac when they are trying to get shit done that isn't programing.

| I do. I've switched to linux almost a year ago, First I duel booted because I though I'd still need windows for a reason or another but after two months I realized that all the work I do on my computer works in linux just fine, Even way better.

| I've been using only linux (arch btw ) for 2 year now. Never dual booted before, I'm just done with windows and switch in one evening without any research or computer knowledge. If you want to learn linux just do it, and locked yourself in with no easy alternative, otherwise you just gonna take the easy way out instead of actually try. As long as your game is not a game with dev refuse to deal with anticheat shit, I'll likely run. Or just check protondb for solution.

| i started duel booting back when rainbow6 came out, then with time the game became trash and it was the only thing tieing me to windows. so linux only ever since

| I solely ran linux for like 10 years but started dual booting to windows on the desktop because of work and stayed on windows because of gaming so nowadays I rarely boot into linux on the desktop unless I need to throw CPU power at cracking a hash or decrypting something. Laptops, servers, singleboards etc all run linux though.

| >>1027519 Been on linux primarily for 3 years, and exclusively for 2 of those. I would probably still use windows for games if I could afford any new computer stuff cause gaming is still iffy on linux. I've been mostly on mint for the first year and a half-ish, but the rest of my time has been on arch!

| >>1027535 fair, some game really can't run no matter what or I'm just too dumb, I really hate how I can't run a lot of eroge from early 2010s with some obscure japanese game engine. (systemd btw)

| arch linux works great for me, but that's because my entire usecase revolves around using stuff that's known to work well on linux (steam, text editors) or stuff that doesn't rely on the OS in the first place (manga websites, youtube). the biggest downside of linux for me is when i find itch.io VNs that are windows only and i have to use a VM to play them

tldr; linux works if you're either a programmer, or 99% of what you do is web browsing and steam games

| I use gentoo, I don't have a windows boot but I do have a vm for windows, I suggest most people do the same. Other than rare cases I only use gentoo.

| >>1027546
are they all running the same engine? i might take a swing at it if you give me some names

| >>1027557
hardware support trough a vm is iffy even with passtrough which doesn't work with everything. there are tons of user cases where a vm isn't upp to snuff

| >>1027569 sounds like a skill issue

| I switched to exclusively openSUSe this month, I previously would dual boot for some anti cheat games but I'd end up just not switching back to Linux afterwards, decided to blow away Windows and I haven't missed it one bit

| >>1027568 one I can think of rn is suzukuri dungeon

WTF this one got a steam release this year? Now that I look at it there are more way I can try to make it run

| I installed Arch Linux 2.5 years ago, and six months later I completely switched to Arch Linux from Windows 7. I even managed to play win-games through wine (proton in the case of Steam), not counting several native games (there were also native versions of the original win-games). Going deeper into Linux, having changed the distribution, I practically do not play now (not up to games, and the system settings option chosen does not allow to play in steam, etc.).

| >>1027596 your mom gave herself a hysterectomy after giving birth to you

| You're like this because your dad doesn't love you.

| >>1027596
This is really cool to hear tbh

| >>1027596
That’s really cool. I want to have loving sex with everyone in here and their parents!!! I get the babies would be really smart cause I only use mint on my laptop and still windows 10 on desktop, though I don’t really use my desktop, recently I needed Autodesk and couldn’t figure it out with wine even though there were clear instructions so I just RDP in to desktop to use it. Done that with word too.

| >>1027623
Thanks! To be honest, despite the advice to wait, I immediately started with the console version and assembled the desktop in parts, so the transition to Linux was delayed. Yes, I am one of those who does not choose easy paths (:
Now it is important to delve into shell-programming (the work requires, and it is interesting for myself).

| >>1027626
Yes.. In the case of my colleague, who only has a laptop, the problematic program is OriginPro, which does not work with wine, has only the win-version. So he still needs a dual boot.

| Dual booting sounds so terrible. Could a VM or something do it I wonder? I would hate to have to switch back and forth and lose all my programs every time

| For everyone saying they have VNs and eroge that don't work well, have you tried running the exe through steam adding it as a non-steam game. You can do that and set it to run with proton. That's how I finagle most porn games into working lol

| >>1027689 alot of eroge works, but some with weird engine or very few unity didn't

>>1027568 The Lord of Isekai Brothels. is another one I can think of rn. pretty sure steam version works

| I use debian

| >>1027676 >>1027682
OriginPro works flawlessly in a WM even without GPU passtrough as long as you got the RAM for it. Tried it on my school laptop a couple of years ago.

| I keep using Windows because I like Skyrim modding and it takes a lot of external programs to work well. I got some of them to work with the steam deck, but its just too much of a pain in the ass.

| >>1027716
Good choice, but systemd, ehh..

| >>1027729
Nice idea, thank you, but i think colleague have nit enough RAM, as I remember it is equal 8 GB.

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1726631742
