From x y to 360

| What can I use to turn x y position or direction to a number from 1 to 360 of sorts

| Polar coordinate system?

| welcome to NHK

| plus sin, cos, yeah.

| >>1027601 how so?

| >>1027608
Instead x and y the Cartesian coordinates use polar angle phi = arctan(x/y), that changes in interval [0,2pi] in radians or in [0°,360°] of degrees, and radius r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2), of course.

| >>1027776 ...I dont feel like using these symbols. anything else i can use that is just x and y? like can i change phi to something else or arctan or ^2?

| trig math

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1726678216
