Learn anything new recently? Projects?

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recently I've been taking a break from learning stuff and projects, but next month I'm gonna be starting up a real huge project building my own computer from scratch and actually learning pcb making to bring it all together after I get it working on some bread boards.

| am i misunderstanding you or are you talking about building your own singleboard computer with ram, microprocessor etc on your own custom made pcb?

| Yeah OP, there's no way you can get away with telling us this little. Is it going to be like, an 8bit logic gate device or are you actually going to fab your own components?

| >>1027341 you are correct, first I'm gonna be making it on a bread board, once I'm satisfied I'll learn how to do pcb's and make one for it. I already know assembly decently well, so it'll be a epic project.

| >>1027342 I've already made multiple cpu's and ram and stuff from nothing but logic gates in simulators, my most recent one was a 32bit cpu, I don't want to do it again but irl lol, so I'm gonna be using a 6502 micro possessor and ram, but most of everything else I'm gonna be making myself.

| I started to learn shell-programming, but I am distracted now by LaTeX-project.

| so i avoided the use of a particular math symbol. and now it looks like physics nonsense. but generally gave me like the most satisfaction i ever felt in my life. but now i am completely deflated and i know i still havent or even possibly wont be able to do some many things with this approach but i couldnt care anymore and is complete collapsed into brittle pieces of joy


| Tell me more !!!!!!!!!!!!!

| Hueee im gong cri, immacriii
why do i have to use fancy mathhhh
is this not for elementary school useee HUEEEE
jsut gimme something sensible https://forum.gamemaker.io/index.php?threads/object-sprite-direction-tutorial-8-directions.72276/ it's matrix anywayyyyy

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1726284288

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