I found bug

| http://tululoo.com/
>you make new file, add bunch of sprite, custom, place in scene,
the object is not seen at all.made the name of sprite different or same, all the same.
>sometime after you use a single file, it disappear and the whole screen blacks out, like when the code doesnt work.
>advanced scripting" more like, advanced 46 things unloadable

it's three. also i keep having to use template file to actually have something that works. also not always...

| cool phishing scam bro, too bad imnot clicking it B)


| can you actually just fuck off?

| >>1027327

| Stop replying to this actual mentally ill!!!

| Kill yourself you worthless fucking self promoter

| >>1027325 ywan
>>1027327 yawb
>>1027340 yawn
>Ok this
>>1027429 yawn

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1726292499

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