Gonna get a buncha beneaters kits

| I'm goin to coleg for computer engineering and I'm hella interested in circuit boards, older tech, figure bread boards and eeprom programming would be a really good starter project to work on. I've made a couple cpu's in logic simulators so I have most the basics down, but not much with irl stuff and how electricity works. If anyone has any tips or experience or whatever lets talk about computer or electrical engineering :3

| Yeah!!!!! But also I don’t know about computer or electrical engineering.

| I hate puter! All the mean people are in there. That aside, have sex and have fun

| Good luck at kellogg’s computer engineering

| Also because I hate normal things I'm of course installing Gentoo on my old laptop currently. Very pog and sex.

| >>1026937
how is it so far? I've heard it's kind of an opinionated distro, not just the compiling everything, but how other things are set up it goes its own way as well, but with a philosophy.Is there a risk of breaking the laptop and it never being able to boot again, or it that stuff not accessible to you?

| >>1027090 the only real thing that breaks a computer like that is if you fuck up the Bios, gentoo doesn't really touch the bios. So far it's pretty cool, because you compile everything it's actually super duper stable and you can install pretty much anything with no limits unlike distros with package managers.

| >>1027093
you can compile anything you want on distros with package managers too, y'know

| >>1027099 yeah, but like, most linux users don't even know you can do that. And gentoo is build for doing it that way anyways.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1725965427

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