What can you do with a hacked 3DS?

| I'm looking to see if I should hack mine.

| Watch anime past bedtime

| You can install CIA files and use them with FBI.

| Have sex and have fun.

| Free games, I guess. Mods. Really that's about it honestly.

| JKSM is a useful savefile managed that allows you to backup and restore saves for your games.
Other than that there's games, roms and emulators, more games and homebrew games are all I can think of since I doubt there's much else besides game-centric programs on the homebrew scene.
You might find some language learning tools and a few IoT tools but why would you bother uing those on the 3DS when there are better alternatives available.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1725797936

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