so if yer not hungry...

| https://vlix.io/video/3e6e143439161adc2d82/

the code is supposed to limit the thing to a certain radius...but it does not work. or if it does...it removes the other direction
what do i do.

also dont use matrix. and whatever is this called.

link me stuff maybe.

| https://forums.nesdev.org/viewtopic.php?t=24053 tried the lerp here, but the code still looks.... ugly as hell

makes no sense how i have to square it
also it still expand to infinite unlike abs...

it just...makes no sense

| Basically
>still expands to infinite... usually because of 0 division. but not sure either
>it scales too small
you can solve it by using abs to both tx and ty, (one each)
adding them in the division

but it's ugly, to me.

solution welcome.

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1725088968

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