why does this code not work then

| ctrx = obj_player.x;
ctry = obj_player.y;

mpx = mouse_x -ctrx;
mpy = mouse_y- ctry;

hs = xstart -ctrx;
vs = ystart -ctry;

vsx = (vs ) *(mpx);
vsy = (vs) * (-mpy);
hsx = (hs) * (mpy);
hsy = (hs) * (mpx);

pv = vsy+hsy
ph = vsx+hsx

x = ctrx +mpx/5 + (pv)/(10)/1
y = ctry +mpy/5 + (ph)/(10)/2

it scales to 0 when projection usually dont

| 2 typo, try fixing that

| >>1025971 the code works so you seem behind in the clock

| >>1026043 I'm glad you could make it work, I'm truly are happy for you 50k chan. Why don't you try turning down your hostility for once? This is not 4chan y'know?

| >>1026057
I am not the one setting the enemy AI.
It rotates. And it also scale.
I need it not to scale to zero. By some mean with only division and simple math, no fancy conditionals. Or abs

| >>1026134
The enemy AI bullshit is all in your head, homie.

| >>1026146 it's the bigger building than your house, negero

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1725145419

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