How often should I restart my router?

| It's a mobile connection all over my house, the ip is random every time and displays wrong location, far away from me.
If it stays on, the ip doesn't change of course.
Should I schedule a reset every day so that it's harder to fingerprint me? Or is it pointless?
I'm using Windows and Android like every sane being. I'm not using everything, like Facebook or TikTok, but I'm also not exactly going full schizo mode on privacy.

| Interesting idea. Kind of a hastle though. Nah. Back to bed mmmmmm

| Reset it every half hour or so

| You should auto reset it every 5 min minimum, and make sure to wrap every trackable electronic in tinfoil if you're not using them or just use them as wallpaper, floor and roof in your room.

| Twice a day

| Three times if you are diabetic

| If you don't know don't worry to ask your doctor

| >>d41f0b
I don't know why I found this funny but hats off to you, g/u/rl.

| Yeah I chuckled. well done!

| >>0188c4 if they use tinfoil as wallpaper the feds will be able to hide in the walls undetected

| >>1025358 this is why you should use pure concrete for your house! Don't use american wall with fed room in it.

| If you're logging into Google for instance (or any large advertising company or anything that uses them) you don't really need to bother resetting it to change IP on purpose because they'll likely already know where you live through other methods and just note that you have a dynamic public IP this is the same reason VPNs don't actually do what they claim about stopping tracking and whatnot

| So in your case since you have an android phone don't bother automating it but if the occasional reboot helps your Internet run better go ahead

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1724397016

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