help me design video game or something

| write me the features i need to do. also like, maybe example of the code on how to do it, like articles and stuff.
in pastebin or stuff if there's alot.
maybe help fix mine too

| focus on one subject instead off hopping between differnet ideas year after year

| >>1024660 wise word, eastern wind blow

after all

50k is retarded

| >>1024660 it is still ONE game.
Also I asked one all this time and you complained it being all the same
Fucking hell. Try and solve yourself first before using catchphrase, spector

| is this that weirdo 50k-chan wannabe wtf?

| Make a cute story that takes less than 30 minutes in twine!

| How about a dog who falls in love with and impregnates his boy?

| >>1024733 hmmm, how do i know it's 30 mins?
>>1024734 i meant features and ..urgh

| >>1025040
Just play through it real quick and time it. It’s no big deal, you just want to not spend all your time writing something not many people may play.

Usually people have an idea of the experience they want to give, then they add features to fit that experience. So what do you want to say? What virtual life will your platers have memories of living for their time spent with you as their god? Power, love, crossing divides, coming of age, and eroticism are great themes!

| >>1025042 what is the one many people wanna play then? what's the reference?

| >>1025071
People don’t play video games. My friends play DnD (and won’t let me join, and their game is boring and puritan anyway) and my parents knit, watch tv, and read. You can expect to sell a few copies to someone like you, but that’s about it. What do YOU want to play?

| >>1025127 ...why are you star wars-ing on me.

| >>1025223
Because I love you

| >>1025247 then you should know that's fucking insulting. no, KIlling my fucking time.

| >>1025367
You can punish me to make it even if you want. I don’t know what Star Warsing actually is

| >>1025390 you were doing the Jedi mind tricks shit and forcing your command on me

| >>1025639
That’s what language is for thought. Effecting others and getting information

| >>1025641 clearly you got too much scifi in you and I haven't gotten the fine statement I need from you with enough clarity

| >>1025687
I do love sci fi : )
Anyway I know I wasn’t a great conversationalist but I hope you feel good.<3
See ya in other threads!

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1724672635

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