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We live in steam age


| where do you think your electricity comes from? wind energy, rivers, sea waves, heated up steam for generate energy in nuclear plants.. at the end we keep use nothing but steam. We don't live in "modern" 21. century, but we keep live in steam age like 18. century or something. we didn't progress for decades

| My body steams after a 4 week long sex session.

| If you read a vaclav smil book you’ll get to hear all about how the steam turbines actually have gotten much better, as well as how you did a great job mentioning our improvements in energy sources and transformation! I think every girl has been doing really good, and we should all take a cozy break, because we’re going to make things even better soon really soon!

Ooooh I want to harness it -for um increased efficiency I mean!!

| Idk why we don't use nuclear more. It's clearly better in most cases. Meow.

| >>1024366
We still use iron, but we don't live in the Iron Age, do we? Why, using steam, do we still live in the steam age? Rather, we live in the nuclear power age, but that's not quite right either. It would be more correct to say about the computer (information) technology age.

| >>1024426 if we didn't lived in steam age why we would use steam even for gaming? we use iron, sand and so too.. but we just used it for our steam age and adapted little.. but yes, we keep live in steam age, and our computers use best from steam and sand age

| TOPAZ and SNAP-10A existed.
also i'm pretty certain helium reactors don't use steam

| >>1024435
i say existed but their still out there floating about

| >>1024435 just because you use dirty steam it's doesn't mean "gas" isn't steam anyway

| I feel like the “steam age” more describes the dominance of that technology at the forefront of pretty much everything like steam powered trains and boats. Using it to produce a more versatile and widespread resource like electricity wouldnt make us part of the steam age imo

| Since my CPU requires rare earth minerals does that mean computers are stone age tools

| >>1024443

Helium can't turn into steam. Only water an aeresol can. Also gas =/= steam. YOU. ARE. A. CHEATER.

| >>1024494 because is dirty silly

| >>1024486 were in the advanced stone & steam age :3

| >>99734f (laughs in stirling engine)

| >>1024366

| >>1024513 you are acting like as if one stream was better than other one.. but at end all is powered by steam..

| I thought we were living in the dawn of cuberpunk but it was twilight steampunk all along

| >>1024552 I don't know if we live fully in steampunk, but yes steampunk is closer than cyberpunk

| >>1024430
Nah, better say steam* has place in a cycles now.
But if I right, you means that steam still plays significant role.
* steam for games? Nice try!!! *rofl*

| >>1024553
lol no

| I love steam, can you not imagine some steamy socks worn by such cute girl? Mmmm.

Also ofc we are going to use steam water goes up and then comes back down after a while. Now thats where its at. You can still use Co2 from burning wood/coal but its not that sexy.

And our energy sources are generally heat based since they are high efficiency plus VERY cheap. So become a scientist and help us find a good cheap reliable source!

| also like come on we are still using some equations found from 1800 or earlier. If it works whitin a very small error margin why bother.

| >>1025074
Ok ok!

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1724256143

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