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Question about /u/ usage

| I only use mobile so I dunno, can my employer see the names of threads through the url this connects to?

Like if I click a sec friend do they see sex on their end?

| No. Due to https they can only see the domain name. I’m setting up a vpn though and you can use it too if you want.

| >>1021822 *uses it to download 40 terabytes of dolphin porn*

| I love sex.

| If their IT team is any level of competant and has chosen to go this route then yes they can see everything
(and also fairly common, especially with bigger employers)

if you're only using a SIM from a third party it's higly unlikely (i've never seen it done outside 1st party tech demos), still not impossible

| >>1021847
This is only on their own machines right? I thought op was talking about just being on their WiFi.

| leak your company trade information to check.

| >>1021849
ye your machine won't give up everything to a random wifi connection

| Just ssh into ur arch linux laptop at home, ezy win

| use telnet

| >>1022227 is that terminal app to browse here still around or did it die with captchan

| >>1022345
you mean links?

| Aye, he's a bit of paranoiac so that's good to know. Someone was prnographic materials and there was a message in general which got me paranoid.

| Your boss watches porn on company laptop 100%

| /u/ usage is hard to say. why didn't you call it /u/sage?

| I'm a level 13 /u/sage with focus on magic buffing

| /u/sage goes in every field



| *fucks your belly button*

| >>1022568 /u/wusage

| >>1022349 no someone made one for this site specifically that used the API to post and stuff but I think when they added the captcha the dev stopped working on it or something?

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1723141214

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