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software minimalism damages the brain

| it's best you don't delve too deep into them. you can of course use suckless tools if you want (DWM is actually very convenient if you know C etc.) but if you take the ideology too far you will ruin your chances of ever making it in life.

| You forgot to explain why.

| preaching like a moron instead of educating like a regular person

fuck off with that drooler nonsense. your whole thread(and personality at that) is so simpleminded that it can be destroyded by a single word: why?

| I get what you saying since I'm one of the few normal person left on This site. But you still sound like a baka.

| I think you’re cute and I want to cuddlefuck you!
I get that impression too. There’s a reason maximalist software is so popular. It’s important to make people remember and do the very least to achieve their goals, and layers of abstraction can sometimes be reduced by having something as another menu in front of you rather than remembering and opening another program. Perhaps this chunking can still succeed by having large programs fit interchangeable small programs inside of them?

| Could someone post examples of minimalist and maximalist software? Is it just about the UI? The features? Both?

| If you're talking about something like a productivity app that aims to help users focus by eliminating clutter and unnecessary features, I kinda get what you mean I guess? I highly doubt anyone here uses that kinda stuff though. It's literally less for more money. If you mean optimization though then I disagree. I really wish you would of said more op you left all of us confused.
-poppy de una familia noble poppilina

| Here, software minimalism will incentivize you to gradually make everything in your system simpler and with less features because so called "bloat." Even the tiniest bit of bloat you would feel bothered by it. Even some of the very mentally ill think that dbus disvalidate your system of ever being "truly minimalist" which means you're not truly accepted in such communities and get treated in a peasant-like way (elitism).

| Eventually it gets to the point of such extreme crave for minimalism that you will fall for the whole freedom aspect of things. You will buy a Thinkpad x200 and install libreboot and Parabola on it. Or you will not conform as much and install Gentoo which I literally don't get the point of why you would actually ever use that thing seriously. How mentally ill do you have to be to drive yourself to use that as a daily driver? How much of an elitist faggot do you have to be?

| Extending about the freedom aspect, you will dedicate all of your programming skills you've acquired throughout middle school to high school to useless, "suckless," shit-stained projects with a poster on the front saying that it's good software because it's in the public domain and have no dependencies even though you have to manually compile it with some C compiler to change the configurations of the software because compile-time configurations are apparently the standard for skls

| (suckless) -- And none of those projects will ever do much that will actually contribute significantly to humanity or society because the minimalism aspect wouldn't incentivize you to actually start working on such things. You'll refuse to work in the regular software engineering department because you hate OOP and Java and those kinds of things. Eventually all of this stresses your mind so much, there are so many imperfect things in your life.

| Minimalism is indeed good. It's beautiful, elegant, and efficient at times. But go down the hole too deep, you will never be able to go back up. No matter how long you'll grow your nails to grip the walls of the hole you dug yourself into, you won't go up if you've gone too far (i.e. waste all of the precious time into this useless shit opposed to when you could've done much greater things). Use suckless software. Write some suckless software for basic things.

| Just don't go too deep into it. Accept Python, Javascript, Java/C++ when your job requires for it, OOP, etc. Don't bother changing your browser to a 'simpler' one, like the infamous 'surf', w3m, etc., you're ruining your own convenience. A bit of bloat is fine, you can use Godot, Gimp, Emacs if you like them - you don't have to minimize those. So don't write everything from scratch using CPU rendering.

| Anyways that's all I had to say. I doubt anyone will take me seriously. Fair honestly, sometimes I look back on things I've said and thought to myself whether or not do I truly mean it at heart. I've been through this hole before, I sometimes still think I'm in it. Actually yeah maybe anything I've said is pointless, and don't mean a whole lot. But I still can't remove the thought that delving in this is very harmful for you. Like the case with being extremely selfless is bad.

| Imagine not using templeos lmao

| >>1021204
> I doubt anyone will take me seriously

absolutely right, i think you're bat shit insane.

| Just go have sex???
You can be as minimal or maximal as you wish. You can go as deep as you want. And use anything as a suckless tool. Sex is very convenient. And yes you can even make life.

| >>1021204
Yeah. Thanks for sharing. It's generally bad when you're adding challenges to your life for an ideal you can't see making you happy.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1721941840

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