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Thank all you arch gurls

| Everyone who joined the "I installed arch" thread, no matter how big or small your posts were, its been a great pleasure and I'll remember them all. Maxing a tech post out was not a easy task, surely it'll go down in history. Btw my assembly from scratch is going well. OK ty bye

-poppy de una familia something

| <3 it was my pleasure

| I'm glad I helped the girl choose the kolemak keyboard layout
hope she types better and better on it

| But someone at last message trolled us by saying about installing [gathering own strength] temleos!!!

| mmh yes, we should talk about uh systemd

| >>1020049
yes, and why it is so bad. For example, we can discuss points at post on suckless.org about it:

| Hi! OP of that thread here! I'm glad you all joined, and it was a lot of fun seeing all the cool discussions. :3

| So, what we should discuss here, continue discussing DE and etc. , or better about +- of distros, or why we shall hate *buntu?
Or start discussing post on suckless.org
about systemd sucks?

| >>1020284 I dunno I just wanted to thank you gurls for maxing out a tech board. But do go on about why systemd sucks cause I actually don't know much about it.

| I don't really know how to think about systemd. I see people in threads going on and on about how it's the worst thing ever invented by mankind. But in the other hand major distro maintainers decided to use systemd regardless of people's opinions on it, so there must be some merit to using systemd over its alternatives.
I do however feel that systemd is bloated to a degree as pointed out by many anons. At least there are some good alternatives to systemd (runit, openrc, etc)

| >>1020303
The same, I need read that article, after can make a conclusion. The weak work with systemd do not allow me discuss on it with enough details.

| >>1020349
ah yes the mayor distro maintainers
da big stuff, dai big bois they make decisions with da big reasoning

dei big they hav reason everybody else just tiny opinion ppl, dem dam tiny opinion ppl gotta stop havin em opinions get some big reason

| Hnnnng sex with distro maintainers
Bending over their development machines and inviting them inside me
Feeling hummm of their fans as they plap plap plap me from behind
Them giving me access to their secret backdoors, and admiring their clever and beautiful form

Colmak was going well btw 20wpm thanks gurls <3 but my hands got sore so I switched from my used IBM model M to a Microsoft ergonomic keyboard my aunt took home when they got rid of them. Taking a break today, on my phone.

| https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SOXeXauRAm0&list=PLbzoR-pLrL6rsb1bc3En9zaEor9S0gyIp

Suggested viewing ; )

| I finally finished making that 8bit multiplier. That was way too much work. I just need to add overflow and it's all done, or I could make it output in 16bits. I don't even wanna look at making a byte division component.

| Well done!

| >>1020581 did my link to that yt video help?

| >>1020670 it sure did, I basically copied their design, optimized it, and upscale it from 4 bits to 8 bits.


| >>1020690 yaaaay glad to help gurl :3
*smooches you on the cheek*

| >>1020696 now I just need to make division... *cry*
*kisses you back*

| hewo, poppy here, anyway I made a 8-bit Magnitude Comparator that compares 2 byte inputs (A & B), and outputs 5 different compares. A<=B, A<B, A>B, A=B, and A>=B. Took a few hours and was proud of it so am showing it off love you *muwah*


| >>1020742 omg gurl I'm so proud of you :33
you're gonna be the smartest embedded dev, I promise
*pats ur head*

| As for systemd, after reading the articles about it, you can draw certain conclusions:
1. systemd performs more functions than necessary as a system initializer.
2. Unnecessarily complicated and confusing.
3. Slow compared to other initialization systems.
4. Has more bugs and vulnerabilities.
5. Not in the unix spirit, more like the window-way.

| >>1020858 did you say window??!!! I'm sold, I hate systemd now. I don't do tech tho, I only use arch btw, cuz I'm a casual user

| >>1020880
Yes, according to reading of Suckless article at last time, for example, the citation:
>systemd is a replacement for the standard init command, which normally runs as process id 1 on initialisation of a UNIX bootup. There has been a movement, especially around the Red Hat-related developers to copy Microsoft Windows and all of its features.

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1721707616

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