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/tech/ is incredibly depressing lately

| Pretty lit to see the fall of this board when the rest of the danger/u/ also dying. I'm wondering if all the previous threads were made by one very active person

| No way haha

I use linux btw

| I use gentoo btw

| but yeah, it's funny how there was a peak of activity and then everything died down again

although I may be restoring my sony handycam hc17e soon, and I'll make a thread about it as I start doing it

| btw I use windows 12 with automatic updates if anyone cared

| >>1016422 I mean I personally find it extremely funny that a bunch of people came out of the woodworks to tell me to kms because I installed arch. Malding over "I learned a lot and it was fun :D"

| i use pomuOS btw

| -sudo pomu -Suex

| -sudo pomu de sh / bashamilia-

| >>1016561 love yourself NOW, and use that arch to do cool shit

| >>1016583 I love myself frequently, actually.

| >>1016585 weirdo. Ur suppose to hate urself so I feel better about being nice to you, btw. Because I'm insecure about myself, btw. So seeing ppl who like themselves makes me feel gross, btw. But I'm glad you have ur life together I guess, btw. Weirdo, btw.

| >>1016588 I was making a jorkin it joke actually, I'm very mentally ill.

| >>1016589 oh, cool. Ur so much cooler now. Me too. We should like, touch our arches together ♡

| >>1016592 only if you have a g/u/rl arch, I like women.

| >>1016589 omg mentally ill<3 O love you btw

| >>1016598 my arch is pretty gurly, am a gurl too but I like, am really tall and workout a lot

| >>1016602 wow let's kiss and I'll arch my back for u if you're mean and insult me :3

| >>1016599 haiii wuv you too <3

| >>1016602 we're waiting for rice then

| bunch of gays

| Kissy kissy kiss I wanna love your too, but I think I’m giving up in nix for my server for now and setting my goals lower

| >>1016628 mwah mwah mwah! I had a really bad experience with Nix unfortunately.

| >>1016641
Nyaaaa I luv you anon

| I use Void btw.
// not for long

| >>1016473
I feel for you.

| I use Wii

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1718794912

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