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Rec me some text document for a bunch of note?

| I've been writing a lot of random idea/scene down for a while, and just copy paste new text doc kinda turn into a mess. Feature like pdf chapter probably work but idk. What do you g/u/rl use?

I post in /tech/ btw

| I just keep all my stuff in different text files.

| cherrytree, joplin
50k type thread

| >>1016356 yea, that's what I do too but when it's like 50+ note it's legit hard to find what I'm look for sometime, maybe I just need to be more organize

>>1016357 thx gurl I'll take a look, I'm aware this look like 50k but c'mon it's literally normal for these thread sometime

| Hm, I recently came across TreeSheets, the organizer is quite powerful, apparently, but my hands have not reached it yet. On the other hand, I thought about how to do this, that you are mentioned, in LaTeX, maybe there is a special package (class) for this purpose . I need to take a look.

| >>1016397 thanks gurl I made a thread before I made an actual research, that sound like what I might want to use, I'll also take a look when I have time too then.

| I've been using this thing called Indigrid, but the website for it was taken down apparently and it hasn't been updated in years. Here's the web in wayback if you just want to see how it looked: https://web.archive.org/web/20210615004504/https://innovationdilation.com/index.html

I think TreeSheets is the closest one like it. The tree-based short note is really helpful to me.

For longer notes I just write in notepad and stash the txt somewhere.

| >>1016403
You welcome!
I think there I should also mention about markdown language for light and simply formatting.
Interesting! I read in TOTO on github of TreeSheets that markdown support may be in the plan.
In other hand I remembered other app that support markdown: QOwnNotes.

// But anyway I like tree-structure idea.

| some people I know use obsidian for taking notes. I think it looks neat

| I use a program called KeepNote, give it a look.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1718572377

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