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Do normies not care about privacy

| Was going to sign up for a planetfitness with someone, and they got mad that I was using a 10 minute mail instead of my actual mail. Like, what? I'm not giving my personal data to some shady corpos so they can sell it???

| Why would anyone normal care about privacy? You are a big freak and have somthing nasty to hide

| normal simply don't care and move along the flow of how things work.
Like, if it was a trendy to wear panties on your head, they'd do it and that's it. They don't care about losing something or commiting to it as long as they know that there is a decently large number of people on earth who've done it too.

| Normal people have work to do, bills to pay, and not enough time to worry about things like that.

| >>1015898 I've been listening to their Succession rewatch for the past three hours.

| hnnnng kiss normies in public. Normies breeding me live on Facebook. normies giving out children an Ipa-OK that’s just irresponsible.

Also don’t go to planet fitness g/u/rl they are bad people and don’t want you to succeed. Where do you live? I’ll work out with you.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1718061477

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